Ch 15 - Property Crime Flashcards
To take money or misappropriate funds that belong to someone else.
Obtaining Goods Under False Pretenses
Misrepresenting the truth to obtain goods that belong to someone else.
Structural Functionalism
A sociological theory that explains how society functions according to the structure of a system of interrelated parts.
Conflict Theories
Theories that focus on the unequal distribution of power in society.
A school of thought developed by Karl Marx arguing that society must be understood in terms of social conflict, class relations, + the inequalities caused by capitalism. (Promote revolution by the working class)
Intra-Class Crime
Crime in which the victim + offender are from the same social group.
Break + Enter
A type of property crime where the accused trespasses on private property w/ intent to commit a crime.
Motor Vehicle Theft
The act of stealing or attempting to steal a motor vehicle.
Producing imitation currency w/o legal sanction of the government (A form of fraud).
Card Not Present Fraud
A form of fraud usually carries out over the telephone/ internet when a stolen/forged credit card is used to purchase a good or to acquire a service.
Classical School of Criminology
A body of work that argued people have the capacity to think rationally; contemporary deterrence theory is rooted in this school of thought.
A philosophy that suggests reasoned decisions will produce the greatest good for the greatest number.
Deterrence Theory
A theory based on the idea that for punishment to be effective, it must be swift, sure, + certain.
Social Forces
The perspective that elements of society have the capability of causing cultural change/influencing human behaviour.
A range of physical living conditions that can include living on the streets or in the open, staying in emergency shelters, or being provisionally housed (couch surfing w/ friends or relatives).
Absolute Deprivation
Low income or poverty in + of itself.