CH 15: Exercise Technique Free Weight Machine Training Flashcards
what are the diff grips
hook grip
open or false
what a pronated grip
over hand grip
whats a supinated grip
underhand grip
whats a neutral grip
knuckles point laterally, like a handshake
whats an alternated grip
pronated grip+ supinated grip
whats a hook grip
similar to pronated
thumb is positioned under the index and middle fingers
whats a closed grip
thumb wrapped around the bar
whats an open or false grip
when the thumb doesnt wrap around the bar
whats a clean grip
closed, pronated grip that is lightly wider than shoulder-width apart, outside of the knees
whats a snatch grip
a wide, closed, pronated grip that is measured using either the fist to opposite shoulder or elbow to elbow method
name 3 exercises that have a closed, pronated grip
bent over row
bench press
power snatch
name an exercise that has a closed supinated grip
bicep curl
name 2 exercises for the closed neutral grip
hammer curl, flat dumbbell fly
name 2 exercises that have a closed, pronated or alternated grip
stiff-leg deadlift
name an exercise that has an open grip
front squat with crossed arm position
whats the 3 grips for the front squat
for a parallel arm position: slightly wider than shoulder width
crossed arm position
what are the 2 positions for back squat
high bar: slightly wider grip than shoulder width
low bar: grip is wider than shoulder-width
what are the 2 grip measurements for snatch grip
elbow to elbow
fist to opposite shoulder method
whats a stable position
A stable position enables the athlete to maintain proper body alignment during an exercise, which in turn places an appropriate stress on muscles and joints.
what do standing exercises require
the feet be positioned slightly wider than hip-width with the heels and balls of the feet in contact with the floor.
what types of equipment requires a stable position
free weight and machine exercises
what’s the five body contact position and what does it provide stability for
- Head is placed firmly on the bench or back pad.
- Shoulders and upper back are placed firmly and evenly on the bench or back pad.
- Buttocks are placed evenly on the bench or seat.
- Right foot is flat on the floor.
- Left foot is flat on the floor.
provides stability for seated or supine exercises
what do you need to do before performing a machine exercise
adjust seat and pads to position the body joint primarily involved in the exercise in alignment with the machine’s axis of rotation
what does a full ROM do to the value of the exercise and to the flexibility
When the entire range of motion (ROM) is covered during an exercise, the value of the exercise is maxi- mized and flexibility is maintained or improved
what movement increases the likelihood of achieving a full ROM
Repetitions performed in a slow, controlled manner increase the likelihood that full ROM can be reached.
when are quick movements appropriate
for power exercises
whats a sticking point
The most strenuous movement of a repetition typically soon after the transition from the eccentric phase to the concentric phase is referred to as the sticking point.
when do you exhale and inhale in most resistance training exercises
exhale through the sticking point of the concentric phase
inhale during the less stressful eccentric phase of the repetition
whats the valsalva maneuver
involves expiring against a closed glottis, which, when combined with contracting the abdomen and rib cage muscles, creates rigid compartments of fluid in the lower torso and air in the upper torso (i.e., the “fluid ball”)
what athletes use the valsalva maneuver
For experienced & well-resistance-trained athletes performing structural exercises
what will the valsalva maneuver assist in and help to establish
increases the rigidity of the entire torso to aid in supporting the vertebral column
helps to establish and maintain a normal lordotic lumbar spine position (also called a neutral spine) and erect upper torso position
what are the detrimental effects of the valsalva maneuver
excessive BP (can rise fast to 3x resting levels)
valsalva maneuver can be used for what 1RM tests
front squat
back squat
hip sled
leg press
shoulder press
power clean
what can weight belts help and what does appropriateness depend on
may help maintain intra-abdominal pressure during lifting
depends on type of exercise performed and relative load lifted
when are weight belts recommended
for exercises that place stress on the lower back and during sets that use near-maximal or maximal load
when are weight belts not recommended
no weight belt is needed for exercises that do not stress the lower back (e.g., biceps curl, lat pulldown), or for exercises that do stress the lower back (e.g., back squat or deadlift) but involve the use of light loads.
whats the correct preparatory body position before lifting a weight off the floor
Position the body with the
— back neutral or slightly arched,
— scapulae depressed and retracted,
— chest held up and out,
— head in line with the vertebral column or slightly hyperextended,
— body’s weight balanced between the middle and balls of the feet,
— feet flat on the floor,
— shoulders of the hand that is holding the
dumbbell over or slightly in front of the dumbbell
— eyes focused straight ahead or slightly upward.
describe lifting a bar off the floor
position of the feet and back enables the leg muscles to make a major contribution as the bar is lifted off the floor
keeping the bar close to the body and the back flat during the upward pull helps avoid excessive strain on the lower back
what do do when lifting a bar
position the bar close to the shins and over the balls of the feet and grasp the bar with a closed grip that is shoulder-width or slightly wider apart
what to do when lifting dumbbells
stand directly between them and grasp the handles with a closed grip and a neutral arm or hand position
what are the 3 responsibilities of the spotter for free weight exercises
safety of the athlete being spotted
motivate the athlete
assist in completion of forced repetitions (partner-assisted reps)
what are the types of exercises performed for spotting
overhead exercises
exercise with the bar on the back or front shoulder
over the face exercises
do not spot power exercises
how to perform power rack exercises
Ideally, to promote the safety of the athlete, the spotters, and others nearby, overhead exercises and those involving the bar on the back or front shoulders should be performed inside a power rack with the crossbars in place at an appropriate height
what are some examples of power rack exercises
bench press
seated shoulder press
back squat
front squat
how do you perform out of rack exercises
with heavy weights can result in serious injury. These exercises should be executed only by well-trained and skilled athletes and spotted by experienced professionals.
examples of out of rack exercises
forward stepping lunge
step up
what should the strength and height of the spotter in relation to the athlete for spotting overhead exercises and those with the bar on the back or front shoulders
spotter should be at least as strong as the athlete
spotter should be at least as tall as the athlete
how do perform spotting over the face exercises
important for spotter to grasp the bar w alternated grip
spotter’s grip is narrower than the athlete’s grip
what are the exceptions due to the bar’s curved path for lying triceps extensions and the barbell pullover
spotter uses alternated grip to pick up bar and return it to the floor
spotter uses a supinated grip to spot the bar
why should you not spot a power exercise
too dangerous
miss the bar in front (should push the bar away or drop it)
lose the bar behind the head (should release it and jump forward)
what is the number of spotters based on
load being lifted
experience and ability of the athlete and spotters
physical strength of the spotters
whats the communication btw athlete and spotter before beginning a set
the athlete should inform the spotter:
how the bar will be handled initially
how many reps will be performed
when the athlete is ready to move the bar into position
what is a lift off (what does it refer to, can athletes choose to not have one, normally used for which exercises)
refers to moving the bar from the upright supports to a position in which the athlete can begin the exercise
Some athletes may want the spotter
to provide a liftoff; others do not
normally used in the bench press (off the supports), shoulder press (off the supports or the shoulders), and squatting exercises if the supports are too low and nonadjustable
what is important for the spotter to know about amount and timing of spotting assitance
Knowing how much and when to help an athlete is an important aspect of spotting, and it requires the spotter to be experienced in proper spotting techniques
Which resistance exercises use:
§ a closed, pronated grip,
§ a closed, supinated grip,
§ a closed, neutral grip,
§ a closed, alternated grip,
§ a closed, hook grip,
§ an open or false grip,
§ a clean grip, &
§ a snatch grip
what grip is an abdominal crunch
a closed, neutral grip
Which resistance exercises use:
§ a closed, pronated grip,
§ a closed, supinated grip,
§ a closed, neutral grip,
§ a closed, alternated grip,
§ a closed, hook grip,
§ an open or false grip,
§ a clean grip, &
§ a snatch grip.
Which of the following exercises requires a spotter?
a. lat pulldown
b. wrist curl
c. power clean
d. step-up
step up
During which of the following exercises should a spotter’s hands be placed on the athlete’s forearms near the wrists?
a. bench press
b. incline dumbbell bench press
c. upright row
d. lying barbell triceps extension
- Which of the following grips should be used during the deadlift exercise?
I. overhand
II. closed
III. open
IV. alternated
a. I and III only
b. II and IV only
c. I, II, and IV only
d. II, III, and IV only
- Which of the following is the correct foot pattern in the step-up exercise?
a. step up left foot, step up right foot, step down left foot, step down right foot
b. step up right foot, step up left foot, step down left foot, step down right foot
c. step up left foot, step down left foot, step up right foot, step down right foot
d. step up right foot, step up left foot, step down right foot, step down left foot
- The primary movement during the second pull phase of the power clean exercise is
a. hip flexion
b. hip extension
c. knee flexion
d. dorsiflexion
Study the spotting techniques in depth for the Flat Barbell Bench Press
Study the spotting techniques in depth for the back squat
Study the spotting techniques in depth for the forward stepping lunge
Study the spotting techniques in depth for the step up
Study the spotting techniques in depth for the seated barbell shoulder press
Study the spotting techniques in depth for the lying barbell tricep extension
Which resistance exercises do not require a spotter?
bent knee sit up
abdominal crunch
abdominal crunch machine
bent over row
one arm barbell row
lat pulldown
seated row
low-pulley seated row
barbell biceps curl
hammer curl
standing calf raise machine
seated calf raise machine
vertical chest press
pec deck
wrist curl
wrist extension
hip sled machine
good morning
stiff-leg deadlift
leg extension
seated leg curl
shoulder press machine
upright row
lateral shoulder raise
triceps pushdown machine
push press, push jerk, power clean, power snatch
Which resistance exercises are spotted overhead, with the bar on the back or front shoulders, and over the face?
out of rack exercises: forward stepping lunge, step-up,
over the face: lying barbell tricep extension
how are dumbbell exercises spotted
-important to spot as close to the dumbbells as possible or, in a few exercises, to spot the dumbbell itself.
-Spotting at the forearms near the wrists is a safer technique.
-Note that for some exercises (e.g., dumbbell pullover and overhead dumbbell triceps extension), it is necessary to spot with hands on the dumbbell itself.
which resistance exercises should be performed inside the power rack
overhead exercises and those involving the bar on the back or front shoulders should be performed inside a power rack with the crossbars in place at an appropriate height.
which resistance exercises require a lift off
Liftoffs are normally used in the bench press (off the supports), shoulder press (off the supports or the shoulders), and squatting exercises if the supports are too low and nonadjustable.
When two spotters are involved and the athlete wants a liftoff, as with a bench press, one spotter should assist with the liftoff and then quickly move to the end of the bar to spot (the other spotter is already at the other end)
Which resistance exercises involve the use of the 5-point body contact position?
Seated or supine (lying face up) exercises performed on a bench require a specific posture.
power clean description
power snatch description
push press description
push jerk description