CH. 15 Brain and Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What are the 4 main regions of the brain?
cerebrum. diencephalon, brainstem, and cerebellum
What are the 3 primary brain regions that develop in the embyonic stage?
- Prosencephalon - forebrain
- Mesencephalon - midbrain
- Rhombencephalon - hindbrain
What are the 5 secondary brain vesicles that develop in the 5th week of development?
■ The telencephalon (tel-en-sef′ă-lon; tel = head end) arises
from the prosencephalon and eventually forms the cerebrum.
■ The diencephalon (dī-en-sef′ă-lon; dia = through) arises
from the prosencephalon and eventually forms the thalamus,
hypothalamus, and epithalamus.
■ The mesencephalon is the only primary vesicle that does not
form a new secondary vesicle. It is renamed the midbrain.
■ The metencephalon (met′en-sef′ă-lon; meta = after) arises
from the rhombencephalon and eventually forms the pons and
■ The myelencephalon (mī′el-en-sef′ă-lon; myelos = medulla)
also derives from the rhombencephalon, and it eventually forms
the medulla oblongata.
Differentiatie between gray and white matter.
The gray matter houses
motor neuron and interneuron cell bodies, dendrites, terminal
arborizations, and unmyelinated axons. (Origin of gray color described
in section 14.2a.) The white matter derives its color from the myelin in
the myelinated axons.
What are the cranial meninges?
three connective tissue layers that separate
the soft tissue of the brain from the bones of the cranium, enclose and
protect blood vessels that supply the brain, and contain and circulate
cerebrospinal fluid. In addition, some parts of the cranial meninges
form some of the veins that drain blood from the brain
What are the 3 cranial meninges and what are their characteristics?
Pia Mater
The pia mater (pē′ă mah′ter, pī′ă mā′ter; pia = tender, delicate,
mater = mother) is the innermost of the cranial meninges. It is a
thin layer of delicate areolar connective tissue that is highly vascularized
and tightly adheres to the brain, following every contour
of the surface.
Arachnoid Mater
The arachnoid (ă-rak′noyd) mater, also called the arachnoid
membrane, lies external to the pia mater (figure 15.4). The term
arachnoid means “resembling a spider web,” and this meninx is
so named because it is partially composed of a delicate web of
collagen and elastic fibers, termed the arachnoid trabeculae. Immediately
deep to the arachnoid mater is the subarachnoid space.
The arachnoid trabeculae extend through this space from the arachnoid
mater to the underlying pia mater. Between the arachnoid mater
and the overlying dura mater is a potential space, the subdural space.
The subdural space becomes an actual space if blood or fluid accumulates
there, a condition called a subdural hematoma
Dura Mater
The dura mater (dū′ră mā′tĕr; dura = tough) is an external tough,
dense irregular connective tissue layer composed of two fibrous
layers. As its Latin name indicates, it is the strongest of the meninges.
Within the cranium, the dura mater is composed of two layers. The
meningeal (mĕ-nin′jē-ăl, men′in-jē′ăl) layer lies deep to the periosteal
layer. The periosteal (per′ē-os′tē-ăl; peri = around, osteon =
bone) layer, the more superficial layer, forms the periosteum on the
internal surface of the cranial bones
What are the four cranial dural septa?
the falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli, and diaphragma sellae
What are the functions of cerebrospinal fluid?
■ Buoyancy. The brain floats in the CSF, which thereby
supports more than 95% of its weight and prevents it from being crushed under its own weight. Without CSF to support it, the heavy brain would sink through the foramen magnum.
■ Protection. CSF provides a liquid cushion to protect delicate
neural structures from sudden movements. When you try to
walk quickly in a swimming pool, your movements are slowed
as the water acts as a “movement buffer.” CSF likewise helps
slow movements of the brain if the skull and/or body move
suddenly and forcefully.
■ Environmental stability. CSF transports nutrients and
chemicals to the brain and removes waste products from the
brain. Additionally, CSF protects nervous tissue from chemical
fluctuations that would disrupt neuron function. The waste
products and excess CSF are eventually transported into the
venous circulation, where they are filtered from the blood and
secreted in urine in the urinary system.
Describe the process of CSF production, circulation, and removal.
- CSF is produced in the ventricles by the choroid plexus.
- CSF flows from the lateral ventricles and third ventricle
through the cerebral aqueduct into the fourth ventricle. - Most of the CSF in the fourth ventricle flows into the
subarachnoid space by passing through openings in the roof of
the fourth ventricle. These ventricular openings are the paired
lateral apertures and the single median aperture. CSF also
fills the central canal of the spinal cord. - As it travels through the subarachnoid space, CSF removes
waste products and provides buoyancy for the brain and
spinal cord. - As CSF accumulates within the subarachnoid space, it exerts
pressure within the arachnoid villi. This pressure exceeds the
pressure of blood in the venous sinuses. Thus, the arachnoid
villi extending into the dural venous sinuses provide a conduit
for a one-way flow of excess CSF to be returned into the
blood within the dural venous sinuses.
What is the function of the blood brain barrier (BBB)?
protects the nervous tissue from general circulation by regulating what substances can enter the interstitial fluid of the brain
What is the function of the cerebrum?
The cerebrum is the location of conscious thought processes and the
origin of all complex intellectual functions. It is readily identified as
the two large hemispheres on the superior aspect of the brain (see
figure 15.1a, b). Your cerebrum enables you to read and comprehend
the words in this textbook, turn its pages, form and remember ideas,
and talk about your ideas with your peers. It is the center of your
intelligence, reasoning, sensory perception, thought, memory, and judgment,
as well as your voluntary motor, visual, and auditory activities
What is the main tract between the left and right hempispheres?
corpus callosum
Describe hemispheric lateralization.
■ The two hemispheres appear as anatomic mirror images, but
they display some functional differences, termed hemispheric
lateralization. For example, the portions of the brain that
are responsible for controlling speech and understanding
verbalization are frequently located in the left hemisphere.
These differences primarily affect higher-order functions,
which are addressed in section 17.4.
■ With few exceptions, both cerebral hemispheres receive their
sensory information from and project motor commands to
the opposite side of the body. The right cerebral hemisphere
controls the left side of the body, and vice versa
Describe the landscape of the cerebrum’s 5 lobes in relation to their sulcus.
The frontal lobe (lōb) lies deep to the frontal bone and forms
the anterior part of the cerebral hemisphere. The frontal lobe ends
posteriorly at a deep groove called the central sulcus that marks the
boundary with the parietal lobe. The inferior border of the frontal
lobe is marked by the lateral sulcus, a deep groove that separates
the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe. An important
anatomic feature of the frontal lobe is the precentral gyrus, which
is a mass of nervous tissue immediately anterior to the central sulcus.
The frontal lobe is primarily concerned with voluntary motor
functions, concentration, verbal communication, decision making,
planning, and personality.
The parietal lobe lies internal to the parietal bone and forms
the superoposterior part of each cerebral hemisphere. It terminates
anteriorly at the central sulcus, posteriorly at a relatively indistinct
parieto-occipital sulcus, and laterally at the lateral sulcus. An
important anatomic feature of this lobe is the postcentral gyrus,
which is a mass of nervous tissue immediately posterior to the central
sulcus. The parietal lobe is involved with general sensory functions,
such as evaluating the shape and texture of objects being touched.
The temporal lobe lies inferior to the lateral sulcus and underlies
the temporal bone. This lobe is involved with hearing and smell.The occipital lobe forms the posterior region of each hemisphere
and immediately underlies the occipital bone. This lobe is
responsible for processing incoming visual information and storing
visual memories.
The insula (in′sū-lă; inland) is a small lobe deep to the lateral
sulcus. It can be viewed by laterally reflecting (pulling aside)
the temporal lobe. The insula’s lack of accessibility has prevented
aggressive studies of its function, but it is apparently involved in
interoceptive awareness, emotional responses, empathy, and the
interpretation of taste.
Describe association areas.
The primary motor and sensory cortical regions are connected to
adjacent association areas that either process and interpret incoming
data or coordinate a motor response (see figure 15.11). Association
areas integrate new sensory inputs with memories of past experiences.