ch. 14 slide 67-109 Flashcards
4 types of intestinal obstructions
- herniation
- adhesions
- intussusception- telescoping of prox. bowel into the distal segment
- volvulus- twisting a loop of bowel
meckel diverticulum
congenital; blind end pouch (SI); very common 2% of births, males 2x; MC asymptomatic
hirschsprung disease
congenital aganglionic megacolon- Prox. bowel is obstructed
rectum; sigmoid colon
MC in males; Severe in females
which arteries does ischemic bowel disease affect?
sup. & inf. mesenteric; Celiac
Ischemic bowel disease can be caused by?
- thrombosis: atherosclerosis
- arterial embolism: MI
- non-occlusive ischemia: heart failure, AAA
- misc.: volvulus, aneurysm, irradiation/trauma
Ischemic bowel disease acute vs. chronic
acute: sudden/severe abdom pain, nausea, vomit, bloody diarrhea
chronic: episodic bloody diarrhea, mimics IBD
ischemic bowel disease has a 50% mortality
true; sepsis or shock
what is angiodysplasia? where?
vascular lesion of colon-
in cecum or ascending colon
tortuous lesions, submucosal & mucosal vessels
who does angyodysplasia affect? cause?
~1% of adults, >50 yrs old;
20% of lower intestinal bleeds;
idiopathic, mechanical stress
hemorrhoids? caused by?
thin walled varices; anal & perianal vessels;
inc. intrabdominal pressure, straining, pregnancy
hemorrhoids are associated with liver cirrhosis
true; portal HTN
types of hemorrhoids
internal: above anorectal line
external: below anorectal line
malabsorption manifests as?
chronic diarrhea; cant absorb fats, carbs, proteins, vit, minerals, electrolytes, water
what is steatorrhea?
bulky, frothy, greasy, yellow/gray diarrhea
what is dysentery?
bloody, painful, small volume diarrhea
celiac disease aka?
celiac sprue
what is celiac disease?
gluten sensitive enteropathy; non-infectious malab.
IMMUNE-MEDIATED reaction to gluten
IgA/IgG Ab’s
Dermatitis herpetiformis is associated with?
celiac disease; 10% of patients get this.
pruritic, blisters on arms, legs, butt; neutrophils
environmental enteropathy aka?
tropical sprue
tropical sprue cycle
mucosal injury, malnut.,inflam