Ch 14 (Promotion- Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications) Flashcards
communicating information between the seller and potential buyer or others in the channel to influence attitudes and behavior
involves direct spoken communication between sellers and potential customers
Personal Selling
communicating with large numbers of potential customers at the same time
Mass selling
is any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, good, or services by a identified sponsor
an unpaid form of ni personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services
refers to promotion activities- other than advertising, publicity, and personal selling- that stimulate interest, trial, or purchase by final customers or others in the channel.
Sales promotion
are concerned with managing personal selling
Sales managers
manage their company’s mass-selling efforts- in television, newspapers, magazines, and other media.
Advertising managers
communication with noncustomers, including labor, public groups, stockholders, and the gov.
Public relations
manage their company’s sales promotion effort
Sales promotion managers
the intentional coordination of every communication from a firm to a target customer to convey a consistent and complete message
Integrated marketing communications
Three basic promotion objectives:
- Informing
- Persuading
- Reminding
objective to show that it meets consumer needs better than other products
objective means the fill will try to delevop a favorable set of attitudes so customers will buy, and keep buying, its product
objective to keep good relationship with customer