Ch 14 Powerpoint, Care of the Family Flashcards
Of the three trimesters, which is known as the honeymoon phase? Which trimester has morning sickness?
The 2nd trimester is the Honeymoon phase because everything levels out.
The 1st trimester involves morning sickness.
EDB, EDD, and EDC are all abbreviations in OB that mean ultimately mean what?
The due date
EDB-Estimated Date of Birth
EDD-Estimated Due Date
EDC-Estimated Date of Confinement
What is the most accurate assessment of the EDB? Why?
An Ultrasound. It will take into account your statement of your LMP
What is Naegele’s rule to calculate the EDB?
(LMP - 3 months + 7 days) = EDB
True or False:
It is not uncommon for the partner to have ambivalence towards the baby
For prenatal care, the initial visit occurs during which trimester? What is the frequency of these visits and how long do they last?
Initial visits occur during the 1st trimester and have monthly visits until the 28th week
After the 28th week, what is the frequency of prenatal visits?
After 28 weeks, you visit Prenatal care every 2 weeks until week 36
After week 36, how often do you visit Prenatal care?
Every week until birth
Ideally, when is it best to start your entry into prenatal care?
Before 10 weeks of gestation
The initial prenatal visit contains a prenatal interview. THis is expansive and covers many topics. What is a very important part of interview to make sure you assess?
Psychological profile/Mental Health test
It is typical for a Rubella Titer test to be performed during pregnancy. What does this test for?
Rubella Titer test screens for immunity to Rubella to determine if vaccination is necessary.
How do you measure the Fundus height?
What should the height be?
Measure the height of the fundus from the top of the fundus to the symphysis pubis in centimeters.
From 18 weeks to 30, the height in centimeters should follow the gestational age.
22 weeks? 22” inches.
Typically, will there be an ultrasound in the 3rd trimester?
No, typically there is no ultrasound in the 3rd semester
What are some STD’s that will be tested for in a Prenatal assessment?
Syphilis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Since FHT’s are usually picked up by an Ultrasound during the 1st trimester. What is another device that can be used in the later part of the 1st trimester?
A Doppler
What are the normal ranges for FHT’s?
120-160 BPM
What gestational age is Rhogam typically given?
Rhogam is given at 28 weeks’ gestation, or between 26-30 weeks.
IF an RH-Negative mother has received 1 Rhogam shot, and gives birth to a baby who is Rh-Positive, how soon does the mother get a second shot?
Within 72 hours postpartum
What is the recommended daily exercise level for a pregnant woman to maintain adequate muscle tone?
At least 30 minutes every day of moderate exercise
After exercise, what position should you lay down in, and for how long?
Lay down in a side-lying position for 10 minutes after exercising
Oral care for a pregnant woman is very important.
What two oral diseases are prevalent during pregnancy that can lead to LBW and preeclampsia?
Gingivitus (gum inflammation) and Periodontitis (Infection of the gums that can cause damage to bone).
What is the most common cause for UTI’s in pregnant women?
How are most UTI’s in pregnant women treated?
E. coli is the primary cause
Most UIT’s are treated with oral Antibiotics.
How much water a day is recommended for a pregnant woman to drink to ensure frequent urination (to avoid UTI’s)?
2.5L of water a day is recommended
Is Travel contraindicated in low-risk pregnancies?
No, just make sure to take frequent breaks to move around to avoid thromboembolisms. Don’t cross your legs.
During the 1st prenatal visit, how is the pregnant mother taught to prepare for breastfeeding?
Should ETOH, soap or ointments be used to prepare?
Cleanse the nipples with warm water to keep the ducts free from being blocked with dried colostrum.
ETOH, soap and ointments should NOT be used to clean the nipple
What are 2 risks of a woman having a multifetal pregnancy?
ROM and preterm labor
If a mother were to need a surgery or a c/sec, who is the healthcare professional that would be responsible for delivery?
The OB; Obstetrician
A midwife CAN assist in (____), but a midwife cannot do (____). They also cannot use a (____) suction or a pair of (____)
A midwife can assist in (deliveries), but a midwife cannot do (surgeries). They also cannot use a (vacuum) suction or a pair of (forceps)
A Doulas is not a medical professional in any way. They are just there for what?
A Doulas is just there to support the mother emotionally during the labor and birthing process.
Birth centers are a cost-effective alternative to hospitals and are usually staffed with who?
What kind of patients do Birth centers take?
Midwives with some privileges at local hospitals.
Because of the staff of midwives, birth centers only take low-risk patients
Are most home-births covered by insurance?
No, most people who do home births pay out of pocket and are financially stable.
Does Medicaid cover the cost of a birthing center?
Yes, Medicaid will recognize and reimburse some of the cost for birthing centers
Supine Hypotension is an EMERGENCY!
Signs and Symptoms are:
-Clammy skin and sweating
What is the appropriate nursing intervention for Supine Hypotension?
Position the woman on her side until the signs and symptoms subside and her vitals stabilize
How do you avoid Supine Hypotension when giving an Ultrasound or examining Fundal height?
Place a pillow under the pt’s head with a small wedge placed under one hip so that her uterus is slightly tilted to the side