Ch 12 Powerpoint Flashcards
In fetal development, Conception is the union between “blank” and “blank”
Conception is the union between a single sperm and a single egg
A.) The production of two cells that are perfectly copied and have 23 chromosomes each
B.) The production of 4 cells that are for the purpose of reproduction (sperm and egg cells)
Which is Mitosis and which is Meiosis?
A.) Mitosis
B.) Meiosis
Mitosis is the splitting of two cells making a perfect copy of a mother and father cell
Meiosis is the production of 4 sex cells (cutting the Mitosis cells in half, and making sperm and egg cells) for the purposes of reproduction, each with 23 chromosomes
Spermatogenesis is the formation of?
Oogenesis is the formation of?
Spermatogenesis is the formation of sperm
Oogenesis is the formation of eggs
How many layers does the Ovum have?
The ovum has 2 layers
How long does it take for the Ovum to be considered fertile after conception?
Ovum is fertile 24 hours after conception
What is the Acrosome on a sperm?
The Acrosome is the outer cover (the little head-cap) of the sperm
When the sperm sheds its Acrosome to allow itself to enter the egg, this process is called what?
The sperm removes its “cap”
Where does egg fertilization take place?
In the outer third of the fallopian tube.
An ectopic pregnancy is when the egg fails to do what?
Ectopic pregnancy is when the egg fails to implant in the outer third of the fallopian tube
How long does it take for Implantation to occur in the outer third of the fallopian tube?
6-10 days after conception
What is the name of the first cell to be made post-fertalization?
A Zygote; Sex cell
What is a Morula?
A Morula is 16 zygotes put together into one ball of cells.
Trophoblasts give rise to the?
Embryoblasts give rise to the?
Trophoblasts give rise to the placenta
Embryoblasts give rise to the embryo
After the cavity structure made by the Embryoblasts becomes recognizable, the structure of a developing embryo inside the cavity is known as what?
A Blastocyst
How many days does the typical pregnancy last?
280 days
How many days dos the Embryonic period of pregnancy last?
15 days to 8 weeks
What gestational age is lung surfactant made?
Lung surfactant is made around 36-weeks.
Knowing when surfactant is made in a baby, if the baby is born before 37 weeks, we know that what will be an issue?
We know that lung immaturity will be an issue; Surfactant development will be an issue.
How many prime germ layers are there?
What are the names?
There are 3 Primary germ layers
The endoderm gives rise to the epidermis. This means the production of:
Glands, like the (____) and (____), the (____) of the teeth, hair and nails, and the (____) /(____) systems
Endodermis gives rise to Glands like the (Pituitary) and (Mammary), the (enamel) of the teeth, hair and nails, and the (Central/Peripheral Nervous) systems
The Middle layer, the Mesoderm, is responsible for developing:
(____) in the body and (____) in the mouth, the (____/____/____) muscles, (___) in the dermis, and the (___) system and (___) which is part of the lymphatic system
Mesoderm develops (Bones) in the body and (teeth) in the mouth, the (Cardiac/Skeletal/Smooth) muscles, (CT/Connective Tissue) in the dermis, and the (Cardiovascular) system and (Spleen) which is part of the lymphatic system
The Endoderm, the lower layer, is responsible for developing:
(____) lining, the (____) and (____) tracts, and the (____) cells in the oropharynx, the liver, the pancreas, and the vagina
The Endoderm develops the (Epithelium) lining, the (Respiratory) and (Digestive/GI) tracts, and the (Glandular) cells in the oropharynx, the liver, the pancreas, and the vagina
Which stage of fetus development in the MOST CRUCIAL TIME of organ development, and how long does it last?
The Embryonic stage is the MOST CRUCIAL TIME of organ development for the fetus, and takes place 15 days to 8 weeks after conception
Everything in the embryo forms in 3-8 weeks, but the most stuff happens in which weeks?
Weeks 5-6
Teratogens are very dangerous for a Fetus. What are Teratogens?
When is Teratogen exposure at its deadliest?
Teratogens are substances of exposure that cause abnormal developments of a fetus
During the embryonic stage, during days 15-60 (8 weeks)
ETOH, Androgens, Warfarin (Anticoagulants), Cocaine, Lead, Lithium, Chemo drugs, Antithyroid drugs are ALL examples of what?
Chemical Teratogens of a fetus
Rubella virus (German measles), Cytomegalovirus, Varicella, and Zika are all examples of what?
Viral Teratogens
There are 2 Fetal membranes that surround a developing embryo, what are their names?
Chorion and Amnion
Chorion and Amnion, the 2 fetal membranes surrounding the developing embryo, eventually become part of the placenta.
Which part of the placenta does the Chorion become?
The Chorion becomes the Fetal side of the placenta
What does the Amnion morph into?
The Amnion morphs into the sac that holds the baby and becomes a part of the umbilical cord.
What 3 functions does the Amniotic sac provide for the baby?
1.) Hydration/Fluid and electrolyte balance
2.) Temperature regulation
3.) Cushioning/Protection
Words to know involving Amnionic fluid are Oligohydramnios and Polyhydramnios. What do these words mean in relation to amnionic fluid?
Oligohydramnios means amnionic fluid less than <300mL’s, LOW fluid
Polyhydramnios means amniotic fluid in excess of >2L, HIGH fluid
In the regular nursing world, ROM means Range of Movement. But in the OB world, what does ROM mean?
Rupture Of Membrane
AROM in the OB means what?
SROM in the OB means what?
AROM means Artificial Rupture of Membrane. This means the membrane was ruptured intentionally by a surgeon with a hook.
SROM means Spontaneous Rupture. This means the mothers water broke while she was in Walmart.
The cushiony stuff on the umbilical cord that protects the 2 arteries, and one vein is called what?
Whartons Jelly
The Yolk sac gives nutrients to the baby for how long before the Placenta takes over?
The yolk sac gives nutrients for the first 5-6 weeks before the placenta takes over
How many sides does the Placenta have, and how long does it take for the placenta to be fully formed?
There are 2 sides, mother and baby, and the Placenta is fully formed by the 12th week.
The Placenta acts as an Endocrine gland and provides Hormones to the developing baby. What is the HCG hormone?
1.) HCG-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; The hormone detected on peeing pregnancy tests. It maintains a constant supply of estrogen and progesterone to maintain the pregnancy
The Placenta acts as an Endocrine gland and provides Hormones to the developing baby. What is the HPL hormone?
HPL-Human Placental Lactogen; Its similar to GH; Gives nutrients and insulin resistance, and stimulates breast development for lactation
The Placenta acts as an Endocrine gland and provides Hormones to the developing baby. What is Progesterone?
Progesterone relaxes smooth muscles to decrease uterus contractility. The placenta is actually where Progesterone is sourced.
The Placenta acts as an Endocrine gland and provides Hormones to the developing baby. What is the Estriol hormone?
Estriol measures how well Progesterone is functioning.
What are the 4 hormones released by the Placenta, which acts as a functioning Endocrine gland?
How much oxygen a baby is getting in the womb depends on the functioning of what?
Progesterone function determines how much oxygen a baby receives in the womb (functioning is measured by Estriol)
What are the 4 Metabolic functions of the placenta?
Breathing, Respirations, Excretion, and Storage
Mothers with pregnancy induced hypertension can be especially damaging to the fetus. Why is this?
Vasoconstriction: Vasoconstriction to the placenta r/t pregnancy induced HTN can lower fetal B/P, resulting in smaller children due to a lack in blood flow
What gestational period is considered Term?
37-38 weeks. “Nothing good happens after 38 weeks.”
The embryo becomes the fetus at what gestational age?
9 Weeks to delivery
What does “Fetus Viability” mean?
Fetus Viability means how long a Fetus can exist outside of the mother.
What are the average gestational weeks of viability of the fetus?
22-25 weeks is the average, with a weight between 350-450 grams.
However, 20-21.5 weeks is the lowest cutoff point, depending on the facility.
PDA is one of the biggest causes of a heart murmur. What is PDA?
Patient Ductus Arteriosus
If you hear a heart murmur on a newborn, it is most likely due to a what?
PDA-Patient Ductus Arteriosus
If a newborn babies PDA doesn’t close before they leave the hospital, what should be done?
Order bloodwork and a CFT (cardiac Function Test)
If a mother is at risk for early pregnancy, and your fear premature lung development, what do you give the mother to help the baby?
Steroids to help fetal lung development
When does the Liver form/develop in the fetus? What does the Liver store for the fetus?
The Liver develops at 4 weeks and stores Glycogen
All systems in the fetus develop around the 4 weeks mark except for which system? At how many weeks does this system develop?
The reproductive system.
The reproductive system develops at 7 weeks
The GI system is fully developed by how many gestational weeks?
Will the baby have digestive enzymes by this time if carried to term?
36 weeks
Yes, the baby will have digestive enzymes
What gestational age do babies respond to sound in the placenta?
24 weeks
What are the differences between these 3 twin types?
Dizygotic are Fraternal twins, not identical. They would be like normal siblings who just shared the mother at the same time
Monozygotic are identical twins who share the same Zygote
Conjoined are fused to each other
Can the Rubella vaccine be given during pregnancy?
To recap, the human gestational period is (___) days after the LMP, or (___) days after conception
Human gestational period is (280) days after the LMP, or (266) days after conception
What is a major cause for the increase in multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.) in the United States?
The increased use of Assistive Reproductive Technology
The refinement of structure and function occurs during which period?
The fetal period