CH. 14: KEY TERMS Flashcards
Affectionate love
in this type of love, also called companionate love, an individual desires to have the other person near and has a deep, caring affection for the other person.
the presence of positive masculine and feminine characteristics in the same person.
Anxious attachment style
an attachment style that describes adults who demand closeness, are less trusting, and are more emotional, jealous, and possessive.
Avoidant attachment style
an attachment style that describes adults who are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once in a relationship tends to distance themselves from their partner.
Consensual validation
an explanation of why individuals are attracted to people who are similar to them. Our own attitudes and behavior are supported and validated when someone else’s attitudes and behavior are similar to ours.
Matching hypothesis
theory that although we prefer a more attractive person in the abstract, in the real world we end up choosing someone who is close to our own level of attractiveness.
Rapport talk
the language of conversation; it is the way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships.
Report talk
talk that is designed to give information; this category of communication includes public speaking.
Romantic love
also called passionate love or eros, romantic love has strong sexual and infatuation components and often predominates early in a love relationship.
Secure attachment style
an attachment style that describes adults who have positive views of relationships, find it easy to get close to others, and are not overly concerned or stressed out about their romantic relationships.
a broad term that refers to individuals who adopt a gender identity that differs from the one assigned to them at birth.