Ch. 12 - Professional And Legal Responsiblities Flashcards
Rationale for continued development
—throughout their careers, GFI affect the lives of countless individuals
—participants must trust instructors to have the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead safe, effective workouts
—instructors must strive to provide the best possible info., methodology and experience to their groups
Obtaining AFAA certification is a critical first step, but ongoing professional development is equally as important to keep pace with changes in the fitness industry as exercise science and tech. Advance
—for career development, an instructor should explore options to gain experience, seek feedback and evaluation, stay current with research and trends and investigate specializations
Feedback offers an opp. For learning, growth and improved performance to expand on future opp.
—should anticipate and solicit feedback from participants, peers and supervisors
—take feedback graciously and evaluate how to use it for improvement
Participant feedback
Positive feedback from participants is encouraging and validating
—negative feedback can feel defeating
—many factors may influence comments - preferences, age, fitness level, past experiences, relationships with other instructors, and changing moods
—even if it appears a participant may be reacting to elements beyond the control of the instructor, negative feedback should not be dismissed without considering its potential validity
Peer feedback
—feedback from fellow instructors is one of the most valuable types
—another instructor will typically have a better-informed perspective than a participant
—when a peer comes to class, invite them to share what worked, what did not, how it could have been better, offer to do the same for them
—when used for mutual benefit and improvement, peer-to-peer feedback is an excellent practice for instructors
Supervisor feedback
Regular feedback from a supervisor should be expected and welcomed
—management’s goal is to keep participants happy and classes well attended
—some facilities may also have specific standards, branded programs or guidelines to which instructors must adhere
—supervisors also have the responsibility to uphold the standards specific to their respective programs and to meet the needs of participants
Or self-assessment, is a review of oneself or one’s actions and attitudes
—viewed in relation to an objective standard
—as a GFI, self-evaluation is a vital and ongoing part of professional development
Immediate reflection
—after every session, have a sense of whether class was good or bad
—in either instance, learn and grow from the experience
—identify what factor contributed to the outcome - use info. To do more of what went right and avoid elements that went wrong
Long-term evaluation
—refers to the practice of self-reflection over time
—as an instructor gains more experience, it becomes possible to identify patterns or behaviors facilitating or impeding growth
—LT evaluation is also important for instructors deciding how to expand their education or career
—after teaching for months or years, instructors might realize they are passionate about a specific format or population and less motivated to teach the format they started with
—based on that recognition, they may decide to pursue specialized education that enables them to work where they feel most satisfied
—a video or voice recording of a live class can help an instructor identify opp. For individual improvement
—over-cueing, counting incessantly, speaking too fast, or engaging in unnecessary chatter that distracts from the primary objective
When instructors watch themselves in action, they are able to look at their technique, movement quality, interactions with the group, and facial expressions in addition to hearing how they cue
Ideas to self-record a class
—use smartphone to record all or part of class
—have a supervisor or peer film you as part of an evaluation
—when listening to or watching your class, have a notepad handy to write down the elements you observed
Continuing education
Cont. educational development is essential for instructors to provide up-to-date, accurate information and technique
—cont. education refers to lectures, courses, webinars, and other programs designed to educated individuals and provide additional skills or knowledge
—workshops, trainings, assigned readings and quizzes, or online courses
—it is important to verify the course has been pre-approved or is eligible to be petitioned for credit, as not all available continuing education options have been approved by AFAA
Obtaining a specific number of approved continuing education units is required during each certification period to maintain active certification or as part of recurrent recertification
—ensures instructors stay current in info. And approach as industry evolves - preventing instructor from stagnating
—when instructors fail to seek new sources of continuing education, they limit their development and do a disservice to their participants, fellow instructors, and the industry
—important to visit and review info. At for most up-to-date requirements and options for recertification
Specialty courses
Bc of the intentionally broad focus of AFAA group fitness instructor certification program, additional, specific training is required to teach popular classes such as indoor cycling, mind-body, cardio-kickboxing, dance-based formats, water-based formats, and others specific to various populations
There are many diff. Courses and format trainings that feature specialized equipment, pre-designed branded formats or advanced instructor skills
—specialty courses enhance the skills, interests and abilities of the instructor and also broaden his or her opp. For employment
Workshops and live events
—-workshops delivered by a qualified provider can range from a few hours to a few days
—live, multi-day events and conferences offer the opp. To attend various sessions on a wide variety of topics
—each can be valuable to the instructor, not only to earn requisite credits to maintain certification status, but also for exposure to new areas of interest and specialization
Keeping certification
—most specialty programs do not comprehensively cover the fundamental info. Provided by the primary certification, and as a result, development, growth and employment opp. May be limited if AFAA certification is not renewed
Credible sources
—supported by evidence-based, peer-reviewed research from respected organizations, groups, and individuals
—when evaluating new info., instructors should consider the source and context before using it to influence their class design or cues
—when in doubt, seek out established industry associations and businesses and works of groups and indiv. Who contribute to them
Experiential development
—there is no substitute for application and experience in the GFI development path
—being a successful instructor requires practice, observation, a commitment to grow and patience
Experiential development can be acquired through a variety of resources
1. Peer participation
—attending another instructor’s class
- Co-instruction
—instructing a class with a peer - Mentoring
—finding a mentor or serving as a mentor - Networking
—connecting with other professionals
General professionalism in group fitness
—starts with practicing basic principles of customer service
—arriving on time, comm. in a friendly, professional manner, and setting appropriate boundaries for contact with participants
Instructors must be aware of the influence their attitudes, behaviors, and comm. styles can have
—to earn respect and trust, as well as maintain the integrity of the profession, instructors should strive to act responsibility and professionally at all times
Every effort should be made to start and end class at the scheduled time
Instructors should comm. in a manner that is friendly, considerate and inclusive
—vocal tone, choice of words, rate of speech, eye contact, and body language all contribute to professionalism or lack thereof
Physical contact
Due to the physical nature of teaching group fitness
—it is important for the instructor to maintain appropriate professional boundaries
—if participant agrees to physical contact, it should always be done with care and sensitivity for the indiv.
—if a participant displays any signs of discomfort, contact should be immediately discontinued