CH 12 : Brain (Final Exam) Flashcards
What is included in the External and Internal Brain Structures?
Tellencephalon, Diencephalon, Brain Stem. & Cerebellum
The Telencephalon has ?
Two Cerebral Hemispheres ; Most Top
what is in the Telecephalon?
Longitudinal fissure, Sulcus, Brain Lobes,& Olfactory Bulbs
What is the function of the Longitudinal Fissure?
Divides brain into left & Right hemispheres
What is the function of the Sulcus?
Divides Brain into different gyri & lobes ; shallower than Fissure
What is the function of the Central Sulcus ?
divides Frontal lobe from Parietal Lobe
What is the Function of the Lateral Sulcus?
Divides Frontal Lobe from Temporal Lobe
What are the 5 Brain Lobes?
Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal, & Insula
Where is the Insula located?
Part of Cerebral Cortex; Within Lateral Sulcus
What are the Functions of the cerebrla Cortex?
- Sensory Cortex; 2. Motor Cortex
What is within the Sensory Cortex?
General Sense; Special Sense
Where can Genral sense be found?
- Everywhere
- in postcentral gyrucs of Parietal lobe
What is considered General Sense?
- Pain, Pressure, Touch, Temperature, & Pacinia
How does Somatosensory sensation work?
The larger area, the better sensed
What is included in Special Senses?
- Visual Cortex.
- Auditory Cortex
- Olfactory Cortex
What happenes when the General Sense is damaged?
Losses Sense ONLY ( Still has function)
The Visual Cortex is located in _____ and it used for ____ ?
- Occipital Lobe ; Vision
The Auditory Cortex can be found in ___ and its function is ____?
- Temporal Lobe; Hearing
Where is the sensory Cortex located?
- Lobes posterior to central Sulcus
- Temporal or occipital lobes
Where is the Motor Cortex located?
Frontal Lobe
The motor cortex is divided into the. _____ system and _____ System?
- Somatic; Autonomic
What Controls Skeletal Muscles VOLUNTARILY ?
Somatic Nercous System
what controls Cardiac & Smooth Muscles INVOLUNTARILY?
Autonomic Nercous System
The Olfactory Bulb is a _____ sense?
What is the Name for Cranial Nerve II
Optic Nerve Chiasma
What Nerve is the only Nerve to branch from the telencephalon ?
Cranial Nerve I
What structure can be seen from the VENTRAL View of the Diencephalon ?
- Optic Nerve/ Chiasma
- Pituitary Gland
- Mammillary Body
The optic Nerve, Pituitary Gland, & Mammillary body are all ______ to the Brainstem?
What is the master organ for the Endocrin System and is located in the Sphenoid Bone?
Pituitary Gland?
The Cortical Homunculus is the :
Brains Surface
What Structues are in the DORAL VIEW of the Diencephalon?
- Pineal Gland
- Endocrine Gland
What is the smallest Gland & Organ ?
Pineal Gland
What Gland Secretes Melatonin& Modulates Sleep Patterns?
Endocrine Gland
What structure contains the Midbrain, Pons, & Medulla Oblongata?
Brain Stem
Where is the cerbral peduncle located?
Within the Midbrain
What connects the Motor Cortex on the Ventral Side?
CEREbral Peduncle
The Tectum , Corpora Quadrigemina & Superior / Inferior collicular are apart of what?
Diencephalon ; Dorsal Side
Where is the Pons located?
- Between midbrain & Medulla Oblongata
- Anterior to cerebellum
What structure controls heart rate, respiratory Rythm, and blood pressure?
Medulla Oblongata
Where is the Cerebellum located?
-Under Occipital Lobes of Cerebrum
What connects to the pons by the Cerebellar Peduncle?
What does the Internal view of the Telencephalon Show?
- Corpus Callosum, Septum Pellucidum, Grey Matter Vs. White Matter
What is the major Commissure that connects left and Right Hemispheres?
Corpus Callosum
The Corpus Callosum is above the ____ and is ____?
Diencephalon ; Nerve Tissue
What is the function os the Septum Pellucidum?
Separates two lateral Ventricles
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flows in the ___?
Septum Pellucidum
In the brain…. Grey Matter is :
Cell bodies of Cerebral Neurons
In the Brain White Matter is ___?
Nerve Tracts
What part of the Diencephalon is separated by the 3rd Ventricle?
What is the largest component of the Diencephalon & How many are there?
- Thalamus; 2
What is the function of the Thalamus?
Relay station / hub for sensory & Motor signals
What structure of the brain regulates temperature, Food, & Sex?
What Two places in the Brain carry CSF?
- Cerebral Aqueduct; Septum Pellucidum
Where is the hypothalamus located and how many are there?
- Under thalamus ; 2
What structure of the brain connects with pituitary gland by Infundibulum & works with pituitary gland to link the Nervous system with the Endocrine System?
What is the mass organ of the Endocrine System?
Pituatry Gland
What structure of the brain is under the Hypothalamus
Pituitary Gland
How many Pituitary Glands are there?
How does the Cerbellum separate from the Pons ?
-Separates by the 4th ventricle
What Brain Structure connects the 3rd ventricle to the 4th ventricle?
Brain Stem: Cerebral Aqueduct
In the BRAIN What is Grey & White Matter?
Grey: Surface
White: Middle