ch 12 Flashcards
The brain and spinal cord together are considered the:
Central Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system:
visceral motor division, carries signals to glands, cardiac and smooth muscle
Clusters of nerve cell bodies within the PNS are:
The function of the neuroglia is:
Protect the neurons and help them function
At a synapse, a nerve impulse is transmitted by:
Which of the following is not controlled by the autonomic nervous system?
skeletal muscles
Action potentials are conducted more rapidly:
myelinated axons
The efferent division of the PNS:
somatic motor division
The most abundant class of neuron in the central nervous system is
multipolar neurons
The axon is connected to the soma at the
axon hillock
Neurotransmitters ready for release are stored in synaptic
presynaptic vesicles
The site of intercellular communIcation between a neuron and another cell is the
Alcohol increases the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitter____ in the
How does cocaine affect the body?
Psychoactive and addictive effects mostly in the brains limbic system
The nicotine molecule is shaped like the neurotransmitter called_____
Does marijuana use impairs a person’s ability to form new memories and to shift
_____neurons form the afferent division of the PNS.
Which of the following is not a function of the neuroglia?
The myelin sheath that covers many CNS axons is formed by
Small, wandering cells that engulf cell debris and pathogens in the CNS are called