Ch 11 Property Victimization, Identity Theft Victimization, And Cyber Victimization Flashcards
account hijacking
Taking over someone else’s existing account without consent
Anti-Car Theft Act (1992)
Made carjacking a federal offense and provided funding to link motor vehicle databases
Anti-Car Theft Improvements Act of 1996
Upgraded state motor vehicle departments’ databases to help identify stolen cars
Entering a structure unlawfully to commit a felony or theft
CAN-SPAM Act of 2003:
Made sending spam e-mail a crime in certain circumstances
The taking of an occupied vehicle by an armed offender
direct costs:
Monies and the value of goods and services taken as a result of identity theft
Dumpster dive
Going through trash to find papers with personal identifying information
electronic dating violence:
Dating violence that involves the use of digital media
home invasion
Burglary of a residence in which the offender uses force against the residents
identity theft
Using another’s personal identity information to commit fraud
Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (1998)
Made identity theft a federal offense
Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act (2004)
Created the crime of aggravated identity theft for identity theft associated with certain felonies
Identity Theft Supplement (ITS)
Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey in which data on extent of account hijacking and use and misuse of personal information was collected
indirect costs
Legal bills, bounced checks, and other costs associated with identity theft
motor vehicle theft:
The unlawful taking of another’s vehicle
Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act (1984)
Required manufacturers to put identification numbers on car parts to make them easier to trace when stolen
Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act of 1994
Developed a voluntary, national motor vehicle theft prevention program
New Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
Enacted provisions to prevent identity theft and help victims
Use of fake websites and e-mails to trick people into providing personal information
revenge porn
A form of nonconsensual pornography where sexually graphic images are distributed without a person’s consent
shoulder surfing
When offenders get information such as credit card numbers by watching or listening to someone enter them
Using devices to extract personal information from automated teller machines (ATMs)
form of phishing that occurs through SMS (text) alerts
spear phishing
A type of fraud in which a target is communicated with using personalized information
Software that surreptitiously collects information from unsuspecting people’s computers
target hardening
Making it more difficult for an offender to attack a certain target
technology-based coercive control
form of intimate partner violence in which offenders use methods of intimidation and isolation to control their victims, in this case via technology
technology-facilitated sexual violence
Sexual violence perpetrated with the use of technology
The taking of another person’s property
A type of phishing that takes place over the phone
A type of phishing in which senior-level employees are targeted