During firefighting operations on or near the waterfront, the dispatcher shall be advised as soon as practical of the use of
Non-potable water from the city water system. Dispatcher shall then notify the U.S. Public Health Service
When returning from alarms can passenger type vehicles use the parkways or expressways
Officers in command of fires or emergencies shall accept voluntary duty only when
Such duty will materially assist operations, and members are equipped for duty with proper protective clothing. Members shall be assigned to operate under the direct supervision of a Chief or Company officer. Services of voluntary duty members shall be discontinued as soon as practical by the Officer in Command of the fire or emergency
Officers in command of fires in buildings equipped with automatic sprinkler systems shall
Order one of the first hose lines connected to the proper Siamese and be prepared to supply such system
When adjacent buildings are endangered at a fire, the officer in command shall request the
Commanding Police Officer present to assist in the removal of occupants of such buildings and to prevent their return until authorized by the commanding fire officer
When members find articles of value at a fire, such articles shall be
Turned over to their immediate supervisory officer who in turn shall deliver them to the Officer in Command. Such articles shall be restored to the owner upon proper ID, delivered to the Police Department if owner is not available, or upon upon proper ID to an authorized representative of the owner. In ALL cases a receipt shall be obtained
When operations are completed at a fire, the Officer in Command must have the premises
Safeguarded by members until custodianship is turned over to the owner, occupant, PD or a responsible person. When selecting a responsible person the Officer in Command must evaluate the ability of that person to provide adequate security. In the absence of such persons the Officer in Command must transmit radio code 10-47 for police security. When applicable commercial premise may be secured as in AUC 231
If a fire occurs in a vehicle, other than an ADV or one for which a 10-41 Code 3 has been transmitted, the IC shall
Attempt to notify the owner. If this is not possible, the Dispatcher shall be requested to inform the Police Communications Bureau of the make, model license # and location of the vehicle
When allegations of lost, missing or possibly stolen private property are received the IC must
*Immediately direct a thorough search of the premises from which the property is missing
*If the property is not found and the complainant alleges that the property was at the scene prior to the arrival of the FDNY, the IC must obtain from the complainant information required by FORM BF-26
If the IC is not a Chief Officer the dispatcher must be immediately notified to have a BC respond
Neither Officer should make any further independent investigation beyond ascertaining the information required to compete FORM BF-26
The IC should NOT interview WITNESSES but must immediately make the following notifications when it is alleged that private property has been stolen or is missing from the scene of a Department operation
If it is alleged that the property missing was taken by a FDNY employee then notify the
- IG
* If the fire has been designated as a 10-41 notify the IG and the Fire Marshall
If the complainant does not accuse the FDNY tell complainant to
- Notify the Police Department
* Fill out BF-26
When information involving lost private property is received after the Department leaves the scene of an operation, the BC on duty in the
Battalion responsible for the fire report of the operations shall be notified. This Chief shall immediately comply with the notification procedures and forward the BP-26
Theft from quarters in connection with illegal entry of quarters must be reported to the
- Police Department
- Illegal Entry of Quarters Report (BP-153) must be forwarded by the Officer on duty to the Chief Of Operations
- If a false alarm is involved notify the Fire Marshall’s
If there is no illegal entry into quarters and a Department employee is suspected of the theft, immediately notify the
When Department property is lost, missing or stolen, the IC must conduct an investigation. If the property is determined to be stolen the following notifications must be made
- If the suspect is a civilian
- If the suspect is a Department member
- Notify PD is suspect is a civilian
* Notify the IG if the suspect is a Department member
When members operating at a fire find it necessary to remove a Federal Government Lock form a mail receptacle, the Officer in Command of such unit shall promptly turn over the lock to the Officer in Command. Such officer shall see that it is delivered without delay to the
Official in charge of the nearest US Post Office
Chief officers in command, where ALL companies assigned on the 1st alarm are operating or at a 2nd or greater alarms, or at incidents of an unusual nature, shall establish a
Command Post in accordance with the Incident Command System and the Communication Manual
Officers of units reporting to the Command Post shall report in
Alone after instructing their members to stand by at least 25 feet from the Command Post
At 3rd or greater alarms or when deemed necessary in addition to the Command Post the IC shall also establish a
- Staging area and designate a Chief Officer as the SAC
- All communications to the CP will be by the designated HT frequency or the 800 MHz raio
- All responding units report to staging except Chiefs
- Chiefs report to IC at ICP
- Your vehicle shall be used as a focal pint to identify Staging Area
What is the determining factor as to where the Staging Area is located
The size and complexity of the incident
Initially units in reserve at an operation can be managed by the IC. As the incident expands a
Staging Area should be established with a Chief Officer designated to manage it as the Staging Area
The location of the Staging Area shall be made known by the IC to the
Dispatcher who will direct the Staging Area Chief and effected units to that location. All responding units, unless otherwise given specific assignments by the IC, shall report to the Staging Area. Chief Officers shall report to the IC at the Command Post. The Staging Area shall be maintained separate form the RAC Area
The Staging Area Chief shall verify with the dispatcher that the location of the Staging Area has been made known to all
Responding units
The Staging Area Chief vehicle shall be used as the
Focal point to identify the Staging Area