ch 11 and 12 Flashcards
Who created the DATE- C?
Robert Hinde
What does DATE-C stand for?
Dyad, Awareness, Time, Expectation, Context
Who created stages of a relationship ABCDE?
George Levinger
What does ABCDE stand for in relationship stages?
Acquaintance, Buildup, Continuation, Deterioration, Extinction
What 3 things did coach K say for a successful team?
Relationships (social capital), roles (know yours), trust (relational)
Social capital includes
strong and weak ties
Human capital includes
KSAO’s: knowledge, skill, abilities, other characteristics
What is the dependency equation?
sum of all role sets, deficit or surplus of dependencies
Human capital is ____ tangible than financial capital
social capital provides efficiency and effectiveness advantage through _______
the diverse resources of others
non redundancies provide _____
more value
social networks are built around ______________
social objectives
social objects are
the reason people are talking to each other
Bonding includes
strong ties. -advisors -supporters
Bridging includes
weak ties -influencers