Ch 10: The physical and virtual servicescape Flashcards
Servicescape (def)
The actual physical or virtual facility in which the service is performed, delivered and consumed.
Clue management (def)
The process of clearly identifying and managing all the various clues that customers use to form their impressions and feelings about the company.
Environmental psychology (def)
A field that encompasses the study of human beings and their relationship with built, natural and social environments.
Lean environments (def)
Simple service environments with few elements, few spaces and few pieces of equipment. These environments provide service from one simple structure.
Elaborate environments (def)
Complicated with many elements and many forms. For example a hotel, there are a variety of functions performed in a single physical facility.
Strategic roles in the servicescape (4)
- package
- facilitator
- socializer
- differentiator
Servicescape as package (def)
The physical surroundings offer an organisation the opportunity to convey an image in a way not unlike the way an individual chooses to ‘dress for success’.
Servicescape as a facilitator (def)
The servicescape is a facilitator in aiding the performance of persons in the environment. How the setting is designed can enhance or inhibit the efficient flow of activities in the service setting.
The servicescape as a socializer (def)
The servicescape is a socializer of both employed and customers in the sense that it helps convey expected roles, behaviours and relationships.
The servicescape as a differentiator (def)
The servicescape can be used as a differentiator and can be used to reposition a firm or attract new market segments. It can additionally differentiate one area of a service organisation from another.
What are the three factors of the stimulus-organism-response theory?
Multidimensional environment= stimulus
Consumers and employees = organisms
Behaviours reacted at the environment = the response
Types of behaviours in the servicescape (2)
Individual behaviors
Social interactions
Internal responses to the servicescape (4)
Environment and cognition
Environment and emotion
Environment and physiology
Variations in individual responses
Environment and cognition (def)
The perceived servicescape can have an effect on people’s beliefs about a place and their beliefs about the people and products found in that place. It is a form of non-verbal communication.
Environment and emotion (def)
The perceived servicescape can directly elicit emotional responses that in turn influence behaviours. Just being in a particular place can make a person feel happy, light-hearted and relaxed.
Environment and physiology (def)
A vast amount of research in engineering and design has addressed human physiological responses to ambient conditions as well as physiological responses to equipment design. Such research fits under the rubric of human factors design or ergonomics.
Environmental dimensions of the physical servicescape (4)
Ambient conditions
Layout and functionality
Signs, symbols and artifacts
The underlying virtual servicescape
SOR Model Of Servicescape Impact (def)
Stimulus: What is noticed e.g. on hold music, ambient conditions
Organism: What the customer feels e.g. frustration, physical discomfort
Response: What they do e.g. avoidance, dissatisfaction