CH 10: Scene Size-Up - Concepts Flashcards
What is the first component of the assessment process?
Scene size-up
What is the danger zone?
The area around the wreckage of a vehicle collision or other incident within which special safety precautions should be taken.
What is mechanism of injury?
The force or forces that may have caused injury
What are the various types of motor-vehicle collisions?
Head-on Rear-end Side-impact Rollover Rotational impact
What injuries could you expect from a head-on vehicle collision?
Up and over pattern
Down and under pattern
What injuries could you expect from a rear-end vehicle collision?
Neck and head injuries
What injuries could you expect from a side-impact vehicle collision?
Neck injuries, or skeletal/internal injuries
What injuries could you expect from a rollover or rotational impact vehicle accident?
Any type of serious injury pattern
When someone falls, what injury pattern should you look for?
The part of the body that comes in contact with the ground is only the beginning - assess along the path of energy.
What is a severe fall for an adult? For a child?
Adult: >20 feet
Child: >10 feet (or more than 2-3 x child’s height)
What is penetrating trauma?
Injury caused by an object that passes through the skin or other body tissues
What is a low-velocity injury?
Those propelled by hand, such as knives.
Injury usually limited to area of penetration.
What is a medium-velocity injury?
Usually caused by handguns/shotguns. Arrow from compound bow or ballistic knife. Cause damage almost anywhere in body.
What is a high-velocity injury?
High powered bullets or assault rifle. These cause damage almost anywhere in body.
What is cavitation?
A pressure wave that causes a cavity considerably greater than the size of the object causing trauma.
What is blunt-force trauma?
Injury caused by a blow that does not penetrate the skin or other body tissues.
What is the main indicator or clue of blunt-force trauma?
Reddened area at the site of the blow. Or the presence of a mechanism of injury - pay attention!
What is the final part of scene size-up?
Determining if you have adequate resources