CH 1 -2: Intro to EMS / EMT Well-Being Flashcards
What is a quality improvement program?
A program for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of the EMS system.
What are the four general levels of EMS training/certification?
EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic
What is a standing order?
A policy or protocol issued by a Medical Director that authorizes EMTs and others to perform particular skills in certain situations.
What is off-line medical direction?
Standing orders issued by the Medical Director that allow EMTs to give certain medications or perform certain procedures without speaking to the MD or another physician.
What is on-line medical direction?
Orders given directly by the on-duty MD to an EMT in the field by radio or telephone.
What are protocols?
A list of steps, such as assessments or interventions, to be taken in different situations. Protocols are developed by the MD of an EMS system.
What causes disease?
A pathogen.
What is a pathogen?
An organism that causes infection, such as viruses or bacteria. May be spread through air (airborne) or fluids (bloodborne).
What are Standard Precautions?
A strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood and other body fluids are infectious.
What type of gloves are used for personal protective equipment (PPE)?
Vinyl or non-latex.
Use heavier gloves to clean ambulance and soiled equipment.
With blood or fluid spatter, which type of mask should you use?
Surgical-type mask
If tuberculosis is suspected, what type of mask should you use?
N-95 or high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) respirator
What is a gown used for?
To protect clothing and bare skin from spilled or splashed fluids.
When was body substance isolation increasingly emphasized?
What communicable diseases are of greatest concern?
Hep B, Hep C, Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS
What does hepatitis cause?
Liver inflammation
How is Hepatitis acquired?
Through contact with food or water contaminated by stool. Or through contact with blood/body fluids.
How long does Hepatitis B live?
Many days in dried blood.
Which type of Hepatitis does not have a vaccine?
Hepatitis C
How is Tuberculosis contracted?
How well does HIV/AIDS survive outside the body?
Not well
What are signs/symptoms of TB?
Productive cough - most common indicator Weight loss Loss of appetite Lethargy Weakness Night sweats Fever
Is there a vaccine for Tuberculosis?
No, but there is a test that can detect exposure, the purified protein derivative (PPD) test.
What are the three stages of a body’s response to stress?
Alarm reaction - fight or flight
Stage of resistance - body returns to normal
Exhaustion - exposure is prolonged or stressor is severe
What are the three types of stress reactions?
Acute, delayed and cumulative (burnout)
What are symptoms of an acute stress reaction?
Nausea Numbness Confusion/difficulty concentrating Difficulty sleeping No appetite for food or cannot get enough to eat
What are symptoms of a delayed stress reaction?
Flashbacks Nightmares Feelings of detachment Irritability Sleep trouble Problems with concentration or interpersonal relationships
What are symptoms of burnout (cumulative stress reaction)?
Vague anxiety --> boredom and apathy Emotional exhaustion Physical complaints (headaches, stomach ailments) Significant sleep disturbances Loss of emotional control Irritability Withdrawal from others Increasing depression Limited self-control Paranoia Suicidal thoughts
What are the two types of stress?
Eustress and distress
What is eustress?
Positive form of stress that helps people work under pressure and respond effectively.
What is distress?
Negative stress - causes immediate and long-term problems.
When are critical incident stress debriefing sessions held?
Within 24-72 hours after the incident.
What is a defusing session?
Held within hours of the incident, for those closely involved - discuss feelings and receive information/support.
What are the stages of terminal illness identification?
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
What are the three R’s of reacting to danger?