CH 10: Measuring your customer experience Flashcards
A key thing to note
What you measure sends a message to your customers about what is important to you a s a company. So for the company with the hit rate- what was important to them was being better than average rather than caring about the customer experience.
Philosophy Number 5
Great customer experiences are made “outside-in” rather than “inside-out”
T/F: When measuring customer satisfaction, you have to measure the emotional aspects of the customer experience
What is a common way to measure the customer experience?
Customer Satisfaction Indices
T/F Customer measurement is actually part o the customer experience.
True: If customers see/feel that this is only routine and feedback is only ignored, then it will have a negative effect
Also if it is done poorly- structural errors/ or questionnaires that mention service offerings after a customer would have had an inconvenient experience- John
What should you do after collecting feedback
Thank them and let them know what you are doing about it, which suggestions you can take on, which ones you can’t and why
How do you set your measures?
- Identify element, sub-element & standard= Eg. Element Accuracy
- Get data- ensure measures
and questionnaires are relevant to customers
and measure the right outcomes valid
in an element, sub-element, standard
- making measures and questionnaires relevant to customer
based on feedback
Step 3- measuring performance- establish a way to gather
the data (that the customer prefers) that shows how we are doing (so we are capturing the info
that would make up the measure- so if measure is billing
accuracy- no of refunds for billing errors; the way to measure
that/capture the data could be htrough customer care contact
Step 4. find way to represent the findings on performance
vis a vis the measures- graph
Step 5- find out what customers want
Step 6- at regular intervals check to see if measures are
still appropriate
How to measure emotional aspects?
emotional aspects of CX are measured through every part of the experience (physical aspects-ch2 too). Eg. you are measuring loyalty by asking if they will buy again/ recommend you to others
Ask how they felt after delivery, product usage, etc.
CX measurement
measuring physical performance, and emotional performance against the planned emotions you want to evoke
remember cx blend of a company’s physical performance
and the emotions evoked, intuitively measured against customer expectations across all moments of contact