Ch 10 - Colour vision and colour theory Flashcards
what is happening w white vs black objects
white - reflecting all visible light
black - absorbing all visible light
4 processes that happen when people see colour
- light source generates light
- light that is not absorbed by obj either passes through or reflects
- structures in the retina absorb light
- electrical signals are transmitted to and interpreted by the brain
what does light do to electrons in structures?
causes transitions between quantum states
proteins in the retina (back of the eye) that sense visible light
most humans have 3 diff opsins in ours: long wavelength sensitive (βredβ, peak 564. - 580 nm), middle wavelength sensitive (βgreenβ peak 534-555 mm), short wavelength sensitive (βblueβ, peak 420-440nm)
each can absorb different wavelengths of light, bc multiple electron transitions possible so difference cone cells excited and we see a range in colours
chromophore, aka
aka photopigments
components of chemical structure that absorb or emit light
what vitamin are structures of many chromophores based on
vitamin A, retinal
what type of colour vision do people have?
trichromatic colour vision
how to retinal like structures interact w visible light?
many conjugated bonds and in some conjugated systems quantum states are available that correspond w energy of visible light.
variation in opsin environment of retinol allows to see red, green and blue
how do we see colours other than red blue and green
brain uses signals from two or more cones construct our perception of each colour (ex see yellow when red and green cones stimulated)
diff between colour wheel/how we perceive light and visible spectrum
visible spectrum shows different colours corresponding to different wavelengths while we see many non spectral colours which are constructed by our brains from lights of different wavelengths (ex magenta a mix of blue and red light, not rep by a specific wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum)
additive colours
colours created by mixing light w different wavelengths
RGB Numbers
A way colours are often represented, each red blue and green goes up to 255
CMYK systems
printers etc use cyan, magenta, and yellow to create colourse, inks subtract colour from the paper. cyan absorbs red light from paper so appears cyan (blue and green), magenta absorbs green light so seen as magenta( blue and red) yellow absorbs blue so appears combo green and red (yellow)
use subtractive colour mixing
colour blindness
ppl may not have genes to produce all 3 opsins, retina could be damaged or there could be damage in areas of the brain responsible interpreting colours
X linked, so more common in men because women have backup (x linked recessive)
conjugated systems
alternating multiple and single bonds
p orbital interactions lead to delocalized electrons, shared by more than two atoms in the system. this leads to planarity and single bonds being shorter than normal and double/ triple bonds longer than normal
important organic molecule
2 carbon carbon double bonds sep by one c-c single bond, planar
sp2 hybridized carbons so trigonal planar