Ch. 10 Biopsychosocial approach to explain specific phobia Flashcards
A feeling of apprehension, dread or uneasiness in response to an unclear threat.
A persistent, irrational and intense fear of a specific object, activity or situation.
Specific phobia
An intense, irrational fear and avoidance of a particular object, activity or situation.
Long-term potentiation
A form of neural plasticity that leads to an increase in the efficacy of synaptic transmission.
Anxiety disorder
A mental disorder that involves feelings of extreme anxiety which prevents a sufferer from normal functioning.
Evidence - based interventions
Treatments that have been proven effective from clinical research and experts aimed at changing behaviour; phobias.
A psychological technique in the treatment of mental disorders, used to facilitate positive changes in personality or behaviour.
Systematic desensitisation
A type of behavioural therapy whereby an individual with a phobia is exposed to the fear - producing object, activity or situation until the fear response is extinguished.
The education about mental illness such as the nature of the illness, its treatment and management strategies.
Avoidance behaviours
Behaviours that attempt to prevent exposure to the fear - provoking object, activity or situation.
Transtheoretical model of behaviour change
Assesses on individuals readiness to change by looking at the different stages an individual may go through as they move towards healthier behaviour.
What are the 5 stages of the transtheoretical model?
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance
No intention of changing behaviour
Aware a problem exists. No commitment to action
Intent on taking action