Ch 1 - Test 1 Flashcards
Mission Statement
focuses on current business activities: how are customers being served now
Strategic Mission
focuses on firm’s future: what the company is trying to become, future customer needs
Strategic Vision
Road map to company’s future: direction headed, niche market, capabilities to develop
Characteristics of Strategic Vision
5-10 years, creates the company’s own special identity, answers “What will we do to make a profit?”, management foresight
3 Factors of a Business
Customer’s Needs; Customer Groups, Technologies utilized & functions performed
Broad vs. Narrow Mission Statements
Narrow enough to find niche; Boundary for what to do an not to do, beacon for top management
Purpose of Objectives
Substitutes results-oriented decision-making for aimlessness over what to accomplish; provides benchmarks for judging performance
Establishing Objectives
Specific performance targets; stated in quantifiable terms and contain deadlines; spell out how much and what kind by when
Types of Objectives
Financial (outcomes that improve financial performance); Strategic (outcomes that improve the firm’s competitiveness and long-term market position)
Short-Range Objectives
Targets to achieved soon; Serve as stair steps for reaching LT performance
Long-Range Objectives
Target to be achieved 3-5 years; prompt actions now that will permit reaching LT performance later
Actual Strategy is…
Planned (or indented) and Adaptive
What is strategy?
How to grow; how to please; How to Outcompete; How to respond to changing conditions; How to manage each piece of the business; How to develop needed organizational capabilities; how to achieve strategic and financial objectives
What is a Strategic Plan?
Where is the firm headed = Strategic Vision & Mission Statement
Short & LT Objects = Strategic and Financial Objectives
Action Approaches to achieve = A comprehensive strategy
Strategy Implementation
is an internal, operations-driven activity involving organizing, budgeting, motivating, culture-building, supervising, and leading to “make the strategy work” as intended