ch 1 nursing issues Flashcards
which is more complex and isolated a problem or an issue
how does reconceptualizing what seem like irresolvable problems as issues situated in their context helpful
when we see issues situated in political social and materal contexts opens us to realities and possibilities previously hidden
what is the best approach to an issue
with approach that questions the taken for granted view of the particular subject
what kind of analysis must you do for an issue
- Issues are best served with approach that questions the taken for granted view of the particular subject
- Instead of moving to solve problems, analyzing issues deeply includes looking at barriers that make visible the complexity of the issue
t or f
after seeing the complexity of an issue it helps to come up with one true solution to the issue
this kind of analysis which moves us beyond the idea that any one strategy can lead to resoltuon of an issue
what is the significance of clear articulation of issues for nursing profession
- important not just for indiv nurses, is useful for profession
- helps us to have unified voice and ability to organize
- the link between healthcare and political action is inseperable
the quality of healthcare depends on the nature of nursing which is determined by….
o Stds of education and prep for profession
o Quality of care given by nurse (assoc w education and prep)
o # nurses avail-determined mostly by social and econ status the profession can give members
o Milieu care is offered in
historically nurses have relied on a eductive or inductive approach to problem solving. Where do we need to go know?
• Historically weve relied on deductive approach to decisions but the environment of practice and our education means need to move to inductive
what is an inductive approach
• Inductive approaches take into considereation the unique context from to global and specific details of situations
is nursing becoming more or less poitical. How?
social justice is becoming embedded in education and practice and political awareness and action is encouraged. We are supposed to try to elimiate social inequities and be advocates
is healthcare advancing along with technology or is access dec
access to healthcare services is actually dec
t or f
the first step in workig towards addressing an issue is to analyze it
false first you must find a topic of interest, select a artic issue and articulate it clearly
what do you do after articulating your issue
proceed w analysis using appropriate frameworks
finding barriers to resolution
-exploring strategies for resolution
what does situatiing the topic entail
- To situate the topic gather information about that topic and identify beliefs, views and assumptions about the topic
- One can conduct a literature review of the topic
what kind of questions do you ask when situating the topic
what is already known about this topic from? who has generated this knowledge? What assumptions are held about this topic? What issues in topic would you like to explore?
which of the folowing is a topic and what is the issue
nurses work. who detemrines nursing work
nurses work is topic
while who determines nurses work is the issue
what questions do you ask once the issue has been identified
- what makes this a nursing issue
- how are nurses involved in the issue
- who are the other partic and whats their involvement
- who first became concerned w subjet
- who began to raise the subject as an issue and why
t or f all aproaches should be used every time you analyze an issue
-most issues benefit from more than one approach. But cant use all approaches each time
what does historical analysis of the issue entail
allows us to reopen the nursing and Health Care history and see what understandings have been silenced or erased. And this is because history is written by the dominant groups
since history is behind us does this mean that its meaning is fixed? Why might it be different?
• Each time we examine history we reinterpret it and our understanding is only one reality which depends on the questions and the asker
what questions to ask during historical analysis
o When did the issue originate
o What are the conditions that lead to the development of the issue
o How have these conditions changed over time
o What is the sorts of these historical account
o What might have influenced this perspective of the history
o what contributes to our interpretation of this history
what have been the barriers to resoluton
what strategies fo rresoluton have already been tried
what can we use to guide our ethicala nalysis of the issue
- Rely on the CNA code of ethics which also gives framework for ethical analysis
- This includes broad aspets of social justice, values and responsibilities, responsibilities and obligations for provision of care
what kind of quetions to ask in ethical and legal analysis
o What are the laws that it with wins this issue
o What professional, legislative codes mandate particip responses
-what documents inform or influence the issue
what are you analyzing during social and cultural analsysis o the issue
look at the societal context that shapes the issue and changes how it can be resolved
• Assess the dominant attitudes, its values, privileges and priorities of the culture
what is a political aalysis of the issue concerne w
quetions to ask
- Explores the location of power and influence within particular issues.
- What is the relationship between knowollege and power in that situation?
o Who benefits? who is resistant to change and who is satisfied to stay as is? And who is advocating for a change? Who benefits from the issue being resolved? etc
what is a critical approach
• A critical approach asks questions which challenge our assumptions that are prevalent in society. These assumptions regard to gender, race, and class.
what is a critical post colonial analysis
what does it challenge
- The critical Post-Colonial analysis regards the effects of the colonization, domination of one group of over another
- This position challenges notions of race, ratialization and culture
what does a feminist analyis question
• Feminist analysis questions how gender has been attached to the issues. Generally this doesn’t relate to gender of indiv but instead the ways that structures based on gender divisions of power shape issues/events
questions to ask when doing a crtiical analysis
o Is this issue influenced by the power or thehierarchal structures of institutions over nurses for patients with clients and
o How is power being used
o Could disparities between cultures be r/t colonization
economic analysis of the issue. is this relevant in gen?
questions relevant
• These days nearly all issues have questions of economics attached
• We use lots of econ lingo
o Who is the author of economic story we here?
o Are there hidden agendas that are hidden because of the focus on economic issues.
o Who benefits from the dominance of the economic stories.
one of the most important strateges for moving an issue to resolution is ____ ___
identifyig barriers that may imprede the resolution rocess
after your issue has been aticulated and analyzed you can resolve it
what is your plan for resolution dependent on
• This plan is dependent on people affected by issue, interest, time and resources
t or f
it is easier to execute a plan when ony the core stakeholders are involved
• It is best to get max support thru enlisting the most people involved as possible. make sure theyre unified
beyond persuading elected officials to vote a certain way what ca lobbying be used for
can be used to carry an issue forward within and org by lobbying key indiv
egs of direct lobbying
• Lobbying can be done thru direct contact -resolutions submitted to proff orgs and unions
- meeting w key people professionally
- meeting key peole socially face2face or electronically
- campaigns to officials/those in power w social media, letters , calls,
or indirectly eg bloging,getting popular support, thru media
egs of indirect lobbying
- blogs reports and articles
- enlisting support of key people
- submitting resolutions to professional orgs and unions
- using media w magazine/paper/radio/tv news announcements,
which lobbying strategy is shared betwween in/direct lobbying
-submitting resolutions to professional orgs and unions
wehn lobbying govt should you lobby both sides
o If lobbying govt also include members of opposition
t or f
when lobbying it is best to stay away from stats except for % and to use lots of stories
o Use simple stats and avoid %. Apply the numbers in human terms Illustrate the stats with stories
after meeting with people in a lobbying attempt what should you do after
o Follow meeting w written submissions that are accurate and succinct
summary of key points abt lobbying
includes some notmentioned above
o Be informed
o Use stats and avoid %. Illustrate the stats with stories
o Articulate the issue clearly and why it is important
o Know what others say abt the issue
o The more people supporting u=more effective
o If lobbying govt also include members of opposition
o Follow meeting w written submissions that are accurate and succinct
what kinds of letters can you write when lobbying
- Letters to officials. Keep one for yourself and consider sending to other stakeholders–it should have outline of selected issue and possibilities for resolution
- Can write open letters
- Letters to editor
what is a resolution and where would it be presented
any topic of concern can be written as resolution for discussion eg national housing and homelessness strategy o Can be written for presentation at professional org annual genral meeting ef for CNA or a college of nursing
is a resolution something that you just stand up and present?
sometimes they are. other times o They should be submitted before the meeting date (sometimes can only present on floor
wwhat is unique abt the formatiing of resoluton
o Each paragraph starts with word whereas followed by comma w next letter capitalized
should the resolution have any supporting documents or is it meant to stand alone
o All proposed resolutions must have supporting documentation