CH 1: Law and Legal Reasoning Flashcards
What is law
body of enforceable rules governing the relationships among indv. and btw indv. and their society
regardless of how rules are created they all
establish rights, duties, and privledges
ways law affects businesses
hiring, firing, safety procedures
YT vs Viacom
Viacom sued yt (infringement lawsuit) bc they were not taking the steps to remove viacom content off of yt when they were required by law after viacom asked
what are the 4 primary sources of law
1-US constitution
2-statutory law (laws passed)
3-regulations (created by admin agencies)
4-case law (court decisions)
what is primary source of law
source that establishes the law on a particular issue
being legally responsible for smth
secondary law
source that interprets the primary law
constitutional law
body of law derived from the U.S constitution that deals w the principals by which the govt excersies authority
statutory law
law created by legislative bodies at the federal, state, and local level (includes local ordinances)
local ordinances
laws made by cities/counties to address issues not covered by federal or state laws.
uniform law
“model laws” that states have the option to adopt to become a law for that state.
Also have the option to modify and rewrite them
Uniform commercial code UCC
governs commerical transactions for all 50 states
administrative law
rules and regulations made by admin agencies
federal law
executive agencies
-FDA, dept of human health
-subject to authority of the president
independent regulatory agencies
-president has less authority
state/local agencies
regulations made on a state/local level
-usually parallels federal rules
imp funct of admin agency to make new regulations or amend old ones but the APA sets strict procedures that agencies must follow when making these rules
making rules under APA steps
1- notice of the proposed rule making
2-comment period
3- the final rule
APA steps definition
Notice of the proposed rulemaking- notice must be published in the Federal Register
comment period-must allow ample time for interested parties to comment in writing on the rule which are taken into consideration
the final rule-once final rule is drafted it is published in the federal register
interpretive rules
rules that r not legally binding but indicate how agency plans to interpret and enforce statutory authority
case law
laws created by decisions of the court
common law
body of law developed from judicial decisions in english and us courts
(case law is part of this)
stare decisis
common law doctrine in whcih judges are obligated to follow the precedents established in prior decisions in their jurisdiction
what is jurisdiction
geographic area in which courts have the power to apply the law
controlling precedent
Precedent that MUST be followed within a jurisdiction
2 aspects of stare decisis
1- court should not overturn precedent without strong reason to do so
2-decisions made by a higher court are binding on lower courts
binding authority
any source of law a court must follow when deciding a case
is there a correct answer to legal question
what if no precedent?
court looks at persuasive authority, legal authority, or source of law for guidance but need not to follow it
steps of legal reasoning
1-issue- what are the key facts and issues of the case
2-rule- what rule of law applies to this case
3-application-How does the rule of law apply to the particular facts and circumstances of this case?
4-conclusion- what should b the conclusion
plaintiff vs defendant
plaintiff- the one who initiates the lawsuit
defendant- the one being sued
relief given to innocent party to enforce their rights or compensate
branch of law founded on notions of justice and fair dealing
what are the 2 classifications of law
substantive and procedural law
substantive law
laws that define, regulation, and create legal rights
procedural law
laws that establish the methods of enforcing the rights that are established by substantive law
civil law
rights and duties that exist btw persons and their govt
-one party sues another party
criminal law
branch of law that defines and punishes wrongful actions in which society demands redress
civil law system
based on code of law rather than precedent
national vs international law
National law-law that pertains to a particular nation
International law-law that governs the relations among nations