Ch. 1 Intro to Biology Flashcards
not too that important; focus more on chapter 2 &3
What are the characteristics of a living organism?
- order/organization
- metabolism
- motility/mobility
- responsiveness
- reproduction
- hereditary
- development
- adaption to environment
- evolution
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
- Observation
- Hypothesis
- Prediction
- Experiment
- Gather data/ Repeat tests
- Conclusion
- Analyze/ Report data
What is the order of life on earth?
- Subatomic particles
- Atom
- Molecule
- Organelle
- Cell
- Tissue
- Organ
- Organ System
- Organism
- Population
- Community
- Ecosystem
- Biosphere
smallest unit of a molecule
smallest unit of a compound
smallest unit of life that can exist by itself
a group of cells with a common structure and function
compound of a number of tissues and organized for a certain task
an individual; complex individuals that contain organ systems
- metabolism
ability to acquire, store and use energy
-through photosynthesis and/or cellular respiration
- mobility/mobility
- Either we move to get what we need
- or we move what we need to us
to be fixed in one place; immobile
- responsiveness
how organisms perceive and react to environment (external and internal)
change in the internal or external environment
structures designed to detect changes
- reproduction
process designed to give rise to others of the same species
sexual reproduction
use of gametes (sperm and egg)
asexual reproduction
without the use of gametes
- heredity
the natural process by which physical characteristics are passed from parent to offspring
basic unit of heredity pass from parent to offspring
unique molecule of inheritance that gives organism its defining characeristics
- development
ordered sequence of progressive changes that an organism goes through during its lifetime
adding more cells or cell size
sequence of changes, metamorphosis
- adaptation to the environment
- designed with specific structures that enable an organism to survive and reproduce in certain environment
- controlled by genetics and/or mutations
- evolution
change occurring in a line of decent over time
natural selection
found in nature; how organisms adapt to best survive
artificial selection
impacted by man and man’s activities
controlled variable
control group/ stays the same
independent variable
experimental group/ things you change or manipulate
dependent variable
measured results