ch 1-4 principles of nursing practice Flashcards
rehabilitation nursing is what
goal oriented process that enables people with acute or chronic disorders, including physical, mental or emotional disabilities/ impairments, activity limitations or participation restrictions / speciality that focuses on returning patients to optimal functioning
gerontologic considerations in rehab
sense of loss of independence and autonomy, permanent disability, increased social isolation, added burden on spouse or family, decreased access to healthcare, community services and churches, increase vulnerability, fears/ doubts about ability to relearn, inadequate support system
adult immunizations
Heb B, HPV, Flu shot, Tdap, meningococcal, pneumococcal, shingles (zoster), covid
types of screening
routine health exams, labs, chest X-rays, mammograms, OBGYN exams, bone density, prostate exams, vision
nursing definition
the promotion, the protection and authorization,……… advocacy for family, groups, individuals
social determinants of health
economic factors, living situations, different cultures, financial status
nursing process
assess, diagnose, plan, implement, evaluation
ethical issue
can not decline your pt care
moral in nursing
doing the right thing, right vs wrong
greatest good for the greatest number of people
critical care nursing
High acuity setting
bathing, eating, walking
adaptive devices
walkers, prosthetics
assistive technologies
crutches, walkers, glasses, ventilator
instrumental ADLs
cooking, cleaning, cleaning bills
rehabilitation team
patient, social worker, occupational therapist, rehabilitation specialist (PT), physiological therapist, rehabilitation nurse, psychologist
comprehensive assessment of functional capacity
tools to measure level of independence
functional independence measure, PULSES profile, Barthel index, patient evaluation conference system, Gordan’s pattern of function
functional independence measures
motor & cognition (eating, grooming, bathing, dressing, toileting, memory, social interaction, problem solving)
use for functional independence measure
at the start of rehab care and at the end, based on the level of assistance they require
barthel index
for ADLs, ranking pts independence
PULSE profile
used to evaluate functional independence in ADLs of chronically ill and elderly institutionalized populations
P: physical condition
U: upper limb functions
L: lower limb functions
S: sensory components
E: excretory functions
S: mental & emotional status
Gordan’s pattern of function
a method used by nurses in the nursing process to provide a comprehensive nursing assessment of the pt/ 11 categories of health pattern
cardiovascular system in older adults
decreased cardiac output/ increased BP/ complaints of fatigue/ you want to exercise regularly & pace activities
respiratory system in older adults
increase in residual lung volume/ decrease in muscle strength, endurance, vital capacity/ fatigue & breathlessness with activity/ difficulty coughing/ exercise regularly, avoid smoking, adequate fluids
integumentary system in older adults
decreased subQ fat, muscle tone, sensory receptors/ decreased skin protection/ thin, wrinkled, dry skin/ increased fragility, more easily bruised/ limit sun exposure, stay hydrated/ use lotions
reproductive system in older adults
female: vaginal narrowing, decreased vaginal secretions/ male: decline in fertility, decreased sperm production/ slower sexual response/ painful intercourse/ lubricant
musculoskeletal system in older adults
loss of bone density, muscle strength & size & joint cartilage/ height loss (prone to fractures)/ kyphosis (back pain)/ weight based exercise regularly/ vitamin D supplements
genitourinary system in older adults
decrease in detrusor muscle/ urinary retention & urgency frequency syndrome/ limit drinking in evening, avoid bladder irritants/ pelvic floor exercises
GI system in older adults
decreased sense of thirst, smell & taste/ difficulty swallowing, delayed gastric emptying/ risk of dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, dry mouth, risk for aspiration/ use ice chips, mouthwash (dental care), sit up while eating/ high fiber- low fat diet
nervous system in older adults
decrease in brain volume and cerebral blood flow, reduced speed in nerve conduction/ slower to respond & react, increased vulnerability/ enhance sensory stimulation
special senses in older adults: Vision
presbyopia, diminished ability to focus on close objects, can’t tolerate glare/ hold objects far away form face, decreased ability to distinguish color/ wear glasses and use sunglasses
special senses in older adults: hearing
presbycusis, decreased ability to hear high frequency sounds, tympanic membrane thinning and loss of resiliency/ asks to repeat words, strains forward to hear, can result in social isolation/ reduce background noise, face person, speak with low pitched voice
special senses in older adults: taste & smell
decreased ability to taste and smell/ decreased enjoyment of food, uses excessive sugar and salt, decreased recognition of foods/ encourage use of spices, lemon, herbs