Cestodes - Tapeworms Flashcards

a,b: Dipylidium spp.
They have acetabuli and rostrellum, no bothridia
segments are apolytic
c,d: Diphyllobothrium spp.
They have bothridia, no acetabuli and rostrellum
last segments are anapoytic

Diphyllobothrium spp.
Segment’s anatomical structures

Mature proglottid
Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)
Final Hosts: Fish-eating mammals, Humans

Diphyllobothrium latum
Life cycle
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)
Final Hosts: Fish-eating mammals, Humans

Diphyllobothrium latum
- Coracidium (L1)
- Oncosphere (L1 in other cestodes - NOT Diphyllobothrium)
- Procercoid (L2)
- Procercoid in Cyclops (Crustacean)
- Plerocercoid (L3) - infects Freshwater fish

Diphyllobothrium latum
Collected with Sedimentation method
The eggs contain zygotes

Diphyllobothrium latum
Collected with Sedimentation method
The eggs contain zygotes

Segments - Mature proglottids
Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)
Final Hosts: Fish-eating mammals, Humans

Mature proglottid
Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)
Final Hosts: Fish-eating mammals, Humans

Stained plerocercoid (L3) from fish
Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)
Final Hosts: Fish-eating mammals, Humans

Moniezia spp.
They have acetabuli but no rostrellum, no bothrida
Segments are anapolytic
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Moniezia sp.
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Carmine-stained Scolex
Moniezia sp.
They have acetabuli but no rostrellum
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Scolex of Moniezia expansa
They have acetabuli but no rostrellum
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Immature proglottids
Moniezia expansa
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Mature segments
Moniezia expansa
2 set of genitalia in each segmetn with 2 openings
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Mature segments
Moniezia benedeni
2 set of genitalia in each segmetn with 2 openings
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Mature segments
Moniezia expansa
2 set of genitalia in each segmetn with 2 openings
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)
Triangular eggs with oncosphere (L1)
Moniezia expansa
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Triangular eggs
Moniezia expansa
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Quadrangular eggs with oncosphere (L1)
Moniezia benedeni
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Quadrangular eggs
Moniezia benedeni
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Moniezia Eggs
(+Eimeria eggs)
Collected by the Flotation method
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Box mite
Intermediate Host of Moniezia & Anoplocephala spp.
Infected by Cysticercoids

Box mite
Intermediate Host of Moniezia & Anoplocephala spp.
Infected by Cysticercoids

Box mite
Intermediate Host of Moniezia & Anoplocephala spp.
Infected by Cysticercoids

Mature Cysticercoid larva (L2)
Infective larval stage of Moniezia & Anoplocephala spp
Infect Box mites as their Intermediate host

Moniezia spp. life cycle
- Egg with Oncosphere (L1)
- Cysticercoid (L2) infects box mite
- Infected box mites sit on the tip of grass
- Small ruminants accidentally eat the mites
- Worms develop in their intestine
- Segments are shed containing eggs

Anoplocephala perfoliata
They have acetabuli but no rostellum or bothridia
Their segments are anapolytic
Adult tapeworm of Horses

Anoplocephala perfoliata
They have acetabuli but no rostellum or bothridia
Their segments are anapolytic
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites

Anoplocephala magna
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Triangular eggs with oncosphere (L1)
Moniezia expansa
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Semi-circular egg containing oncosphere (L1)
Anoplocephala sp.
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Quadrangular eggs with oncosphere (L1)
Moniezia benedeni
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Box mite
Intermediate Host of Moniezia & Anoplocephala spp.
Infected by Cysticercoids

Dipylidium caninum
They have acetabuli and rostellum but no bothridia
Their segments are apolytic
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Dipylidium caninum
They have acetabuli and rostellum but no bothridia
Their segments are apolytic
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Dipylidium caninum
They have acetabuli and rostellum but no bothridia
Their segments are apolytic
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Segments of Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Gravid segments of Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Carnine-stained mature segment
Dipylidium caninum
Two ovaries, many testicles
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Carnine-stained immature and mature segments
Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Carnine-stained mature segment
Dipylidium caninum
Two ovaries, many testicles
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Gravid segment of Dipylidium caninum
Filled with eggs (the double outline is not visible)
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Gravid segment of Dipylidium caninum
Filled with cocoons - eggs (the double outline is not visible)
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Gravid segment of Dipylidium caninum
Filled with cocoons - eggs
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Cocoon of Dipylidium caninum
Filled with eggs containing six-hoocked oncosphere
Collected with Flotation method
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Cocoon of Dipylidium caninum
Filled with eggs containing six-hoocked oncosphere
Collected with Flotation method
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Cocoon of Dipylidium caninum
Filled with eggs containing six-hoocked oncosphere
Collected with Flotation method
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Ctenocephalides sp.
Intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans

Trichodectes canis
Intermediate host of Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans

Flea larva ingesting a Cysticercoid
Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans

Flea larva ingesting a Cysticercoid
Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans

Life cycle of Dipylidium caninum
- Adult worms develop in smal intestine
- Posterior segments of adult worms passed in faeces
- Segments and cocoons in faeces and on fur
- Eggs ingested by flea larva
- Infected adult flea is accidentaly ingested by dog
Cestodes in birds and their intermediate hosts
- Raillietina* spp. - IH: insects and snails
- Davainea* spp. - IH: snails
- Hymenolepis* spp. - IH: insects