Cestodes - Specimens Flashcards

Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Moniezia expansa
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Dipylidium caninum
Detached segments
Adult tapeworms of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Moniezia spp.
Adult tapeworms of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Plerocercoid in fish
Fish: Ligula simplicissima
Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)

Mesocestoides lineatus
Adult tapeworm

Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Hymenolepis erinacei
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects

Hymenolepis erinacei
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects

Hymenolepis erinacei
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects

Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)

Raillietina cesticillus
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects & Snails

Hymenolepis diminuta
from Rat
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects

Raillietina tetragona
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects & Snails

Raillietina echinobothrida
Adult tapeworm of Birds
Intermediate Hosts: Insects & Snails

Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)

Moniezia expansa
Stained detail of the strobila with sexually mature segments
(2 set of genitals in each)
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Anoplocephala magna
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Moniezia expansa
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Dried segments
Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Spontaneous sheded segments
Moniezia spp.
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Anoplocephala perfoliata
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Mesocestoides lineatus
Adult tapeworm

Mesocestoides sp.
from Jackal
Adult tapeworm

Mesocestoides sp.
Stained adult tapeworms

Moniezia benedeni
Adult tapeworm of Small Ruminants
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Anoplocephala perfoliata
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Anoplocephala magna
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Anoplocephala perfoliata
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Dipylidium caninum
Adult tapeworm of Dogs/Cats/Humans
Intermediate Hosts: Ctenocephalides spp. / Trichodectes canis

Anoplocephala perfoliata
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Anoplocephala perfoliata
Adult tapeworm of Horses
Intermediate Host: Box mites (Cysticercoid)

Plerocercoid in fish
Fish: Ligula simplicissima
Diphyllobothrium latum
First Intermediate Host: Cyclops spp. - Crustacean (Procercoid)
Second Intermediate Host: Freshwater Predacious Fish (Plerocercoid)