Cervical Cancer Flashcards
HPV in Cervical Cancer
E7 inactivates Rb, E6 inactivates TP53
Treatment of CIN 2/3
If CIN3 on biopsy then CKC (or LEEP) + ECC
To rule out underlying invasion
To treat CIN3
“Hysterectomy is unacceptable as primary
therapy for CIN 2, CIN 3, or CIN 2,3” (ACOG PB 2013)
May be treated with a hysterectomy after ruling
out invasive cancer
If no hysterectomy then CKC with negative
Follow up Cone for CIN3
If CIN3 on biopsy then CKC (or LEEP) + ECC
To rule out underlying invasion
To treat CIN3
“Hysterectomy is unacceptable as primary
therapy for CIN 2, CIN 3, or CIN 2,3” (ACOG PB 2013)
May be treated with a hysterectomy after ruling
out invasive cancer
If no hysterectomy then CKC with negative
Follow up Cone for Adenocarcinoma in situ
Treatment is traditionally hysterectomy
Conization alone is appropriate in selected
situations (i.e. desires fertility, negative margins)
~ 10-25% persistent disease with – margins;
~ 2.5% AIS recurrence with –margin, 20% with ++;
~ 5% invasive cancer with ++margins, <0.1% if -
AIS: Negative margins: hysterectomy preferred “long term follow up” (consider co-testing and ECC at 12+24 mos) Positive margins: Re-excision recommended re-evaluation at 6 months with co-testing and colposcopy with ECC is acceptable
Cervical Cancer Staging Studies
CXR IVP Barium enema Cystoscopy Proctoscopy Conization
Stage 1 and 2 of Cervical Cancer
Stage IA – Microscopic (3-5 depth, 7 mm width)
Stage IB – Visible Lesion (≤ or > 4 cm)
Stage IIA and IIIA – Refers to the vagina
Stage IIA: upper 2/3
Stage IIIA: lower 1/3
Stage IIB: Parametrial involvement
Stage 3 or 4 of Cervical Cancer
Stage III – Regional extension Pelvic sidewall disease (Exam) Hydronephrosis (IVP, CT) Stage IV – Distant disease Bowel or bladder mucosal (Cysto–Procto) Pulmonary metastasis (CXR) Supraclavicular metastasis (Exam)
When is Cone Adequate
microinvasive- no lymphvascular invasion
ECC negative
Margins Clear
If margins or ECC is positive can consider repeat cone
When is Radical Trach and option
<2 cm tumor
No lymphvascular invasion
Negative ECC
When is Radical Hyst and option?
Stage 1A-1B
What chemo is generally used for cervical cancer?
When does Rad Hyst need further treatment?
Lymphovascular space, large tumor, deep invasion - consider radiation/chemo
Positive margins, Postitive lymph nodes, + parametrium - Rads and chemo
What to do with Stage 2 or up in pregnancy
What to do with microinvasive disease in pregnancy
vaginal delivery
Reevaluate 6 wk pp
Stage 1 A but not microinvasive in pregnancy
Cesarean Section at lung maturity
Cesarean radical hyst and lymphadenectomy
Radiation after recovery
Stage 1B2 in pregnancy
chemo during pregnancy with definitive management at or after delivery