Cerebrovascular Disease + Stroke Flashcards
Focal neurological deficit of presumed vascular origin that develops suddenly and lasts >24hrs or leads to death
Acute loss of cerebral/ocular function lasting <24hrs. Most resolve within minutes
Amurosis fugax
Painless temporary loss vision b/c retinal hypoxia
What % strokes occur in <65s
What % strokes are ischaemic?
What % strokes are haemorrhagic
ALL 3 Higher cortical dysfunction + Homonymous visual field defect \+ Motor +/or sensory deficit contralateral to lesion of at least 2/3 areas out of face, arm, leg
2/3 of TACS or isolated high cortical dysfunction
CN palsy + contralateral motor/sensory deficit, or bilateral stroke, or disorders of conjugate eye movement, or isolated cerebellar stroke, or isolated homonymous hemianopia
Pure motor or pure sensory deficit affecting 2/3 of the face, arm, leg or acute-onset movement disorder
RF Stroke (16)
HTN High cholesterol Smoking Diabetes Dietary Obese Low exercise Alcohol Male AF Dx - OCP FHx Age Black Prev stroke/TIA Vasculitis
Blood for stroke
FBC U+E Lipids Glucose ESR TFT Clotting screen
What is a CT used for in Ix stroke?
To establish diagnosis - infarct, haemorrhage, SOL, abscess,, subdural haematoma
What is an MRI used for in Ix stroke
DWI sequence to confirm infarcts
MRA - look for intracranial stenosis
Ix stroke - ECG
Cardiac ischaemia
Ix stroke - carotid doppler
Ipsilateral cartoid stenosis
Echo - Ix stroke
Excludes endocarditis/mural thrombosis - ‘bubble’ ech - patent foramen ovale
Indications for urgent (<1hr) neuroimaging (7)
Being considered for acute thrombolysis On anticoag therapy Any known bleeding conditions Depressed GCS Unexplained fluctuating or progressive Sx Papilloedema/neck stiness Severe headache @ onset stroke Sx
Why is CT good for urgent neuroimaging? (3)
Easily accessible
Sensitive for bleeding
Within how long of an ischaemic stroke should thrombolysis be administered?
What else should be administered ASAP in an ischaemic stroke?
If a patient on Warfarin has a haemorhagic stroke, what should be done?
Vit K + prothrombin concentrate
If a patient on Heparin has a haemorrhagic stroke, what should be done?
Protamine sulfate
C/I thrombolysis (6)
Rapidly improving stroke Sx
Stroke/serious head injury in last 3 months
Major surgery/obstetric delivery in last 14/7
Seizure @ onset stroke
Bleeding tendancy
Hx CNS damage