Cerebellum Flashcards
Which view of cerebellum?
Which view of cerebellum?
Which view of the cerebellum?
Right (inferior); left (superior)
What dural extension separates the cerebellum from the inferior occipital lobe?
Tentorium cerebelli
Which ventricle is located between the pons and cerebellum?
Where is the flocculus
It “flocks” the peduncles; visible on anterior surface just below the middle CP
On which surface is the paravermis visible?
Which lobe of cerebellum is largest?
Which two regions make up the vestibulocerebellum
Flocculus and nodule
Which region represents the cerebrocerebellum?
Most of posterior lobe
Which structures make up the spinocerebellum?
1) Vermis 2)Paravermis 3)Anterior lobe
What are the two afferents to the SUPERIOR cerebellar peduncle?
1) Anterior spinocerebellar tract; 2) Acoustic and optic information
What are the two EFFERENTS of the SUPERIOR cerebellar peduncle?
1) Dentatorubrothalamic tract; Dentatothalamic tract
What afferent tract travels via the middle cerebellar peduncle (hint: why is the MCP the biggest peduncle?)
Pontocerebellar tract
Middle cerebellar efferents?
Inferior cerebellar peduncle afferents
Vestibulocerebellar tract; olivocerebellar tract; posterior spinocerebellar tract
ICP efferents
Cerebello-vestibular tract; cerebello-olivary tract
Which cerebellar nucleus is involved in the vestibulocerebellar loop?
Which cerebellar lobe do projections from the pontine nuclei terminate in?
Posterior lobe (contralateral)
Which artery supplies the cerebellar peduncles?