cerebellar efferent fibers Flashcards
output from cerebellar cortex come from which fibers
axons of purkinje cells
discuss the path of purkinje axons
most axons end by synapsing c deep cerebellar nuc
and those axons from cerebellar nuc is the main outflow from cerebellum
a few pass out the cerebellum to lateral vestibular nuc
efferents from the cerebellum connect c ____
red nuc
vestibular cortex
reticular formation
discuss path of lateral cerebellar hemisphere to dentate nuc
axons of neurons in dentate travel via SCP and decussate in the decussation of the SCP
fibers then synapse c contralateral VL nuc of thalamus
axons of VL thalamus ascend in internal capsule and corona radiata
tas terminate in primary motor cortex
what does to intermediate zone to interposed nuc pathway control
control of ongoing movements of distal ex
discuss path of intermediate zone to interposed nuc pathway
axons from globose and emboliform nuc pass via SCP and deccus
synapse c contralat red nuc = axons to rubrospinal
then terminate at contralat Vl = lateral corticospinal
twice mag decuss - SCP and lateral corticospinal or rubrospinal
what does vermis and flocollunodular lobes to fastigial nuc control
influnce medial motor = proximal trunk
may projections sa vestib nuc = balance and vestibuloocular refelx
discuss path of fastigial vestibular pathway
axons from fastigial nuc to ICP and project to lat vestib nuc bilat
some purkinje axons project to lat vestib din
neurons of lat vestib = vestibulospinal tract
what does fastigial nuc influence
ipsilateral extensors
nueron of lateral vestibular from ____ tract
vestibulospinal tract
discuss path of fastigial reticular pathway
axons from fastigial nuc pass via IFC and synaps c reticular formations
what do axons of fastigial reticular influence
spinal motor segmental activity viaa reticulospinal tract
discuss vestibulocerebellum tract
project mainly to vestib nuc via juxtarestiform bofy
control equilibrium and balance
what does lateral hemisphere to dentate nuc control
motor planning