Ceramics- Packing of Powder Flashcards
5 types of ordered packing arrangements
Cubic- atoms in squares
Pyramidal- cubic but above layer atoms above space between them
Orthorhombic- single layer has optimum packing (diagonal lines)
Tetragonal- orthorhombic but above layer shifted in one diagonal direction
Tetrahedral- orthorhombic but above layer has atoms above spaces in between for optimum packing
Coordination number for each ordered packing arrangement
Cubic: 6 Orthorhombic: 8 Tetragonal: 10 Pyramidal: 12 Tetrahedral: 12
Packing density for each ordered packing arrangement
Cubic: 52.4% Orthorhombic: 60.5% Tetragonal: 69.8% Pyramidal: 74.0% Tetrahedral: 74.0%
Void fraction relative to packing density
Divide packing density by 100 and subtract this from 1
How much of smaller particles should be added to maximise packing density?
Include smaller particles at 25-30% by volume
How does size ratio between large and smaller particles affect relative packing density (PF)?
Larger ratio L:S means greater packing density. Maximum packing fraction achieved when ratio between nearest sizes (diameters) is greater than 7
Formula for theoretical maximum packing fraction
PFc is packing fraction of coarse
PFm is packing fraction of medium
PFf is packing of fine
Weight of particles corresponding to maximum packing
Wc=PFc x Dc
Wm=(1-PFc)PFm x Dm
Wf=(1-PFc)(1-PFm)PFf x Df
D is density of each one
How does specific volume change when increasing infinitely coarse particles?
Specific volume decreases from 1.6 (no coarse) to 1 (all coarse)
How does specific volume change when increasing infinitely fine particles?
Specific volume decreases from 1.6 (0 volume fraction of fine) to 0 (all fine)