CEO Flashcards
is a mirror of the history of human beings on this earth
the history of civil engineering
The earliest practices of Civil eng’g may have commenced between
4000 and 2000 BC inAncient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Ancient Iraq)
considered the first instances of large structure constructions
Pyramids in Egypt (circa 2700-2500 BC)
Around 2550 BC
the first documented engineer
Imhotep greatest contribution to engineering was his
discovery of the art of building with shaped stones.
The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was
John Smeaton
who constructed the Eddystone Lighthouse. In 1771
John Smeaton
When was the world’s first engineering society
the Institution of Civil Engineers was founded inLondon In 1818
1820 the eminent engineer became the Institution of Civil Engineers first president
Thomas Teiford
When was the institution received a Royal Charter in and formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession
In 1905 graduated from Cornell as the very first woman to ever receive a degree in civil engineering
Nora Stanton Blatch
The term “civil engineer” was made to contrast engineers working was established by
John Smeaton in 1750
Named as it is because it is a part of Science which deals with the comfort accessories required by the civilians
Civil Engineering
is a five-year degree program in the Philippines that is concerned with the use of scientific and mathematical principles in the construction of buildings and infrastruetures
The Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE)
The first civil engineering school in the Philippines is the School of Engineering of
the University of Santo Tomas (UST)