Central Nervous System drugs Flashcards
What is the study of drugs that alter processes controlled by the nervous system?
It is a process by which information is carried across the gap between neuron and postsynaptic cell.
Synaptic Transmission
It is conducting an action potential down the axon of the neuron.
Axonal Conduction
What drug is used for psychiatric disorders, suppression of seizures, relief of pain, and production of anesthesia?
CNS drugs
CNS contains ____ compounds that serve as neurotransmitters.
It is a decreased response occurring in the course of prolonged drug use.
What is Physical Dependence?
State in which abrupt discontinuation of drug use will precipitate a withdrawal syndrome.
It is characterized by falling asleep during normal waking activities.
What is given to increase a child’s attention span and cognitive performance?
It is a treatment for respiratory depression caused by drug overdose and COPD.
What is Parkinson’s Disease?
It is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by tremor, rigidity, postural instability, and slowed movement.
It is to improve the patient’s ability to carry our activities of daily life.
Therapeutic Goal
Directly/ indirectly cause activation of dopamine receptors.
Dopaminergic drugs
Drugs that block receptors for ACh.
Anticholinergic Agents
Levodopa + Maoi is equal to?
Hypertensive Crisis
It is a group of disorders characterized by excessive excitability of neurons in the CNS.
General term that applies to all types of epileptic events.
It is an abnormal motor phenomenon.
Excitation spreads widely throughout both hemispheres of the brain
Generalized Seizures
Excitation undergoes limited spread from the focus to adjacent cortical areas.
Partial Seizures