Central Nervous System drugs Flashcards
An old man is experiencing these: symptoms tremor or shaking, often when resting or tired. It usually begins in one arm or hand muscle rigidity or stiffness, which can limit movement and may be painful, slowing of movement, which may lead to periods of freezing (inability to start moving) and small shuffling steps, stooped posture and balance problems. What Disease does the man possible have?
It is an analeptic agent a stimulant of the central nervous system and increases the rate and depth of respiration. It is also used for post-anesthetic respiratory depression, and for respiratory depression caused by drug use.
Akki and Jae having a good conversation but while akki is talking she suddenly fell asleep and it happens really several times in a day that’s why Jae decided to take her in hospital. Based on the symptoms what akki’s experiencing, She might have what kind of neurological disorder?
Tania is experiencing a sleep disorder and insomnia what type of drugs that can help her? Also, these drugs mostly use for psychiatric disorders, to relief pain and sometimes in production of anesthesia.
It refers to the body getting used to taking a substance and requiring higher doses. Also, decreased response occurring in the course of prolonged drug use?
This is a condition in which a person takes a drug over time, and unpleasant physical symptoms occur if the drug is suddenly stopped or taken in smaller doses. State in which abrupt discontinuation of drug use will precipitate a withdrawal syndrome. This is also can lead to addiction.
What is the Mechanism of action and therapeutic role of Amantadine?
The Mechanism of action of Amantadine is that it is an Anti-viral but promotes release of dopamine.
The Therapeutic role of Amantadine it is in 2nd or 3rd line drug.
This drug has the mechanism of action that converted to dopamine and activates dopamine receptors (DOPAMINE REPLACEMENT)
What are the four Drug Interactions of Dopaminergic Drugs?
- Reduced when taking pyridoxine [VIT B6], phenytoin, benzodiazepines, reserpine and papaverine
- Use with MAOI increases the risk of hypertensive crisis
- Use with antipsychotic reduces the effectiveness of levodopa
- Amantadine may increase anticholinergic adverse effects
Give at least three example of adverse effect of Bromocriptine drug
Give at least two example of Adverse effect of Selegiline Drug
This is a brain disease where nerve cells don’t signal properly, which causes seizures and group of disorders characterized by excessive excitability of neurons in the CNS. What is the name of this brain disease?
What are the two types of seizures?
Partial seizures
- Excitation undergoes limited spread from the focus to adjacent cortical areas and will affect only one area of your brain. Also, It doesn’t cause you to lose consciousness.
Generalized seizures
- These seizures affect both sides of the hemispheres of the brain or groups of cells on both sides of the brain at the same time.
What are the four Anti Epileptic drugs Mechanism?
- Suppression of sodium Influx
- Suppression of calcium Influx
- Antagonism of Glutamate
- Potentiation of GABA
These three are the indications of Hydantoins
- Control of tonic-clonic seizure and complex partial seizures [DOC]
- Status epilepticus
- Prevention and treatment of seizures during neurosurgery
This medication is can be used as a daytime sedative or as a sleeping pills and this can able to suppress seizures without causing generalized.
This drug is used to help relax certain muscles in your body. It relieves the spasms, cramping, and tightness of muscles caused by certain medical problems. Also, Used for treatment of malignant hyperthermia.
What should the nurse consider by administering Dantrolene sodium?
The nurse should Obtain history of pan and muscle spasm and reassess during treatment, Monitor CBC results and liver function tests, If severe diarrhea, severe weakness, sensitivity reactions occur, withhold the dose and notify physician, and Avoid abrupt discontinuation.
This indicated for the treatment of spasticity resulting from multiple sclerosis and is particularly useful for the relief of flexor spasms and concomitant pain, clonus, and muscular rigidity. Also, it produce less sedation and less peripheral muscle weakness than dantrolene and Most common adverse effect is transient drowsiness.
These are the examples of Benzodiazepines and their intended effects:
Examples of Benzodiazepines
- Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
- Diazepam (Valium)
- Lorazepam (Ativan)
Intended Effects:
- Maintenance of the client’s vital signs within normal limit
- Decrease in the risk of seizures.
- Decrease in the intensity of withdrawal manifestations.