Cellulitis Flashcards
Describe the general appearance of cellulitis
Redness (spotty)
What symptoms will a patient with cellulitis complain of?
Site affected is hot Fever Swollen/painful glands Blisters Painful to touch
What investigations would you consider?
- Full blood count
- C reactive protein
- Blood chemistry
- Histopathology
- Imaging
How would you manage a patient will cellulitis that is otherwise well?
Antibiotic tablets and monitor them
When would you give a patient with cellulitis intravenous antibiotics?
If they had an increased HR, sweating or rigours
What skin microbiome is likely to cause cellulitis?
Staphylococcus epidermis/streptococcus
What is cellulitis?
Severe inflammation of the dermal and subcutaneous layer of the skin
What does it mean if the blood culture of a person with cellulitis does NOT grow after 24hrs?
The organism causing cellulitis is NOT found in circulating blood but is localised to one area