Cells- Transport Flashcards
How to maximise diffusion?
- ↑ sa:vol
- maintain steep conc gradient
- thin- ↓ diffusion distance
Fick’s law
Rate of diffusion ∝ s.a. x conc. diff. / length of diffusion path
Can hydrophobic, non-polar substances pass through the phospholipid bilayer?
- passes easily through membrane
- ∵ dissolves readily in lipids
Briefly describe the roles of channel proteins
- x bind w/ solute –>open to let them through
- specific- only some types
- faster movement than carrier proteins
gate- controls permeability
– eg. sodium gates- Na+ in & out of nerve cells
Briefly describe the roles of carrier proteins
- globular proteins on either side of membrane
large molecules- eg. glucose
— Permease- flip ∴ glucose transported in both directions
What is water potential?
Pressure exerted by moving water molecules
- unit: kPa
– pure water = 0kPa (solutions = <0, -ve ψ)
What happens when an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?
- solution ↑ψ than cytoplasm
- water moves in
- lysis (burst)
What happens to an animal cell when it is placed in an isotonic solution?
- = ψ
- x net movement of water
What happens to an animal cell when it is placed in a hypertonic solution?
- solution ↓ψ than cytoplasm
- water moves out
- cell shrivels up
State when plant cell in dilute solution
Turgid- protoplast pushed against cell wall
What happens to a plant cell when it is placed in a concentrated solution?
- protoplast pulls away from cell wall
- plasmolysed (plasmolysis)
Describe the process of active transport
- movement of particles against conc. gradient
- requires energy in form of ATP
- released during cellular resp.
- carrier proteins
- specific substances
Condition of cell when placed in a solution with equal water potential
Incipient plasmolysis- protoplast beginning to pull away from cell wall
What is the protoplast?
Consists of:
- outer cell-surface mem
- nucleus
- cytoplasm
- inner vacuole mem
Describe why plant cells are turgid in pure water.
- water enters by osmosis
- cell wall- limited expansion
- pressure builds up
- resists entry of further water
Explain why it is important that the reabsorption of glucose from urine to blood occurs by active transport rather than diffusion.
- diffusion- only reabsorb 50% max
- other 50% lost
- a.t. reabsorbs all- x lost