Cell Structure + Transport - Cell Specialisation Flashcards
What are sperm cells function and how are they specialised for it
The function is to get the male DNA to the female DNA (egg)
Long tail and streamlined head to swim well, lots of mitochondria in the cell for energy
What is a nerve cells function and how is it specialised to carry that out
Rapid signalling
Long, to cover more distance + have branched connections to connect to other nerve cells
What are muscle cells function and how are they specialised to do it
To contract quickly
Long, space to contract + lots of mitochondria for energy
Root hair cell, function and specialisation
Absorbing water and minerals
Long hairs, big surface area to absorb as much water + mineral ions
What is the function of phloem and xylem cells and how are they adapted for it
Transporting substances
Form phloem and xylem tubes to transport substances around plants. Xylem cells are hollow in the centre and phloem cells have very few sub cellular structures so things can flow through