Cell Signalling Flashcards
2 main systems within the body that produce lines of communication
Blood systems and nerves
Why do cells need to communicate
Homeostasis, process information, self preservation ,voluntary movement
Step 1 of neurotransmission
- Propagation of the action potential (AP)
• AP is propagated by VGSCs opening
• Na+ influx ® membrane depolarisation ® AP ‘moves along’ neurone
• VGKC opening ® K+ efflux ® Repolarisation
Step 2 of neutransmission
- Neurotransmitter (NT) release from vesicles
• AP opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels at presynaptic terminal
• Ca2+ influx ® vesicle exocytosis
Step 3 of neurotransmission
- Activation of postsynaptic receptors
• NT binds to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
• Receptors modulate post-synaptic activity
Step 4 of neurotransmission
- Activation of postsynaptic receptors
• The signal can be transmitted by a variety of different types of receptor
What is endocrine communication
Hormones which travel by blood vessels to target organs/distant target cells
What is paracrine communication
Acting on a cell next to it - eg insulin acting on alpha cells that release glucagon in the pancreas during hyperglycaemia, - Nitric Oxide produced by endothelial cells in blood vessels fro vasodilation when people go into septic shock
- Osteoclast activating factors produced by adjacent osteoblasts(bone formation)
Signalling between membrane attached proteins
- Blood borne virus (e.g. Hepatitis C) ® detected within blood stream by antigen presenting cell (APC)
- APC digests pathogen ® expresses major histo-compatibility (MHC) class II molecules on surface
- Circulating T-lymphocyte engages with MHC molecule through T-cell receptor (TCR) interaction
Other examples: Covid 19 and ACE 2 , 1. HIV GP120 glycoprotein ® CD4 receptors on T-lymphocytes, Bacterial cell wall components ® toll-like receptors on haematopoietic cells
Autocrine signalling
Acts on the same cell.
• Activated TCR will initiate a cascade of reactions within T-cell
• Activated T-cell expresses interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor on surface
• Activated T-lymphocyte also secretes IL-2, which:
• Binds to IL-2 receptor on same cell
• Binds to IL-2 receptor on adjacent activated T-cell ( paracrine)
Other examples:
- Acetylcholine ® presynaptic M2- muscarinic receptors
- Growth factors (e.g. TGFb) from tumour cells ® mitogenesis
4 types of receptors
Intracellular, enzyme linked, ionotropic ,G protein coupled
How does an ionotropic receptor work
Ionotropic Receptors
Signal transduction events
- Ligand binds to the receptor protein
- Change in conformation of channel protein ® opening of a pore
- Pore allows ions to move in or out of cell according to their respective concentration gradients
Example of ionotropic receptor
Ionotropic receptor example Nicotinic Acetylcholine Ligand: Acetylcholine (ACh) Location: Skeletal muscle Physiological effect: Muscle contraction
GABA: inhibition of neural activity
NMDA; glutamate and synaptic plasticity and memory formation
5-HT3 receptor ligand 5HT has anxiety and emetics effects
How do G- protein coupled receptors work
The process involved in G protein activation is summarised below in a step-wise process:
1. In the resting state the G protein complex consists of a Gα subunit, a Gβγ subunit and an associated GDP molecule, which are in close proximity to the receptor 2. Ligand binding causes the G protein complex to associate with the receptor resulting in the GDP molecule being phosphorylated to a GTP molecule 3. The Gα subunit dissociates from the Gβγ subunit. Ga and GTP are now together and bind to target protein 4. Both Gα and Gβγ can act as second messengers 5. 5. Internal GTPase activity on a-subunit dephosphorylates GTP ® GDP 6. a-subunit dissociates from target protein ® inactive again 7. The Gα and Gβγ subunits re-associate and are once again available to the receptor
How do enzyme linked disorders work
- Ligand binding ® receptors clustering
- Receptor clustering activates enzyme activity within cytoplasmic domain
- Enzymes phosphorylate receptor
- Phosphorylation ® binding of signalling proteins to cytoplasmic domain
- These signalling proteins ® recruit other signalling proteins ® signal is generated within cell
Normally utilised tyrosine kinase enzymes.
Examples insulin/ tyrosine kinase
How do cytoplasmic intracellular proteins work
Type 1 - Cytoplasmic
1. Located within the cytosolic compartment 2. Associated with chaperone molecules (heat shock proteins, hsp) 3. Hormone binds to receptor ® hsp dissociates 4. 2 hormone bound receptors form a homodimer. 5. The homodimer translocates to the nucleus ® binds to DNA
Example: Type 1 - Glucocorticoid receptor
Ligands: Cortisol, corticosterone
Physiological effect: ¯ immune response, Gluconeogenesis
How do nuclear intracellular receptors work
Type 2 - Nuclear
1. Located within the nucleus 2. Binding of hormone ligand ® transcriptional regulation
Example : Type 2 - Thyroid hormone receptor
Ligand: Thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3)
Physiological effect: Growth &development
What is a ligand
Chemical messages or molecules which exert effects through binding to receptors
What is a receptor
Proteins that bind the chemical mediators known as ligand and upon activation they elicit an effect within a cell
What is a second messenger
The chemical messenger that provokes the intracellular effect after a ligand binds to a receptor
Examples of G protein coupled receptors
AT 1 - Gaq subunit M3 muscarinic -Gaq subunit M2 muscarinic -Gai subunit B1 adrenergic -Gas subunit D1 dopaminergic -Gas subunit A2 adrenergic - Gai subunit
Examples of enzyme linked receptors
ErbB receptor
TGF Beta R1