cell pathology Theme options Mcq Flashcards
Question 1
A 43-year-old man has complained of mild burning epigastric pain following meals for the past 3 years. Upper GI endoscopy is performed, and biopsies are taken of an erythematous area of the lower oesophageal mucous 3 cm above the gastroesophageal junction. There is no mass lesion, no ulceration, and no haemorrhage note. The biopsies demonstrate the presence of columnar epithelium with goblet cells. Which alteration is most likely represented by these findings?
Answer: Metaplasia
Question 2
A 59-year-old woman experienced loss of consciousness that persisted for over an hour. Subsequently, she could not speak, and she could not move her right arm or leg. A cerebral angiogram revealed an occlusion to her left middle cerebral artery. Months later, a computed tomographic (CT) scan shows a large 5 cm cystic area in her left parietal lobe cortex. This CT finding most likely demonstrates a lesion that is the consequence of resolution form which of the following events?
Answer: Liquefactive necrosis
Question 3
A 26-year-old female presented with ‘feeling something hard’ in her left cheek for several years. History was unremarkable except for having trauma to her face when about 5 years old. Physical examination revealed nothing unusual except for several small (<1cm) moveable nodules that could be palpated in her cheek. A CT scan of this area revealed radiopaque masses in the muscle tissue. Laboratory findings showed her serum calcium was 9.4mg/dl and serum phosphorus was 3.9mg/dL. Which pattern of cellular or tissue alteration is likely to be responsible for this?
Answer: Dystrophic calcification
Question 4
A 26-year-old female of African- American ethnicity complains of a swelling on her right ear lobe. The patient had ear piercings at age 3 and again at age 23. The swelling arose after the second piercing and has continued to grow. The swelling was firm, non-tender, dumbbell-shaped, measuring 3cm in diameter. Histopathology (Movat stain) findings showed thick, eosinophilic, hyalinised collagen bundles. IHC was positive for aSMA and negative for desmin. Which pattern of cellular or tissue alteration is likely to be responsible for this?
Answer: Keloids
Question 5
A 52-year-old female visiting Sudan, is admitted with abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed massive hepatosplenomegaly and portal hypertension. FBC indicated a pancytopenia and there was elevation of liver ALT and AS. An ultrasound fibroscan result of 10kPa was found. Viral screening was negative. Kato-Katz examination of a stool sample was positive. Which pattern of cellular or tissue alteration is likely to be responsible for this?
Answer: Fibrosis
Question 6
A 53-year-old African man who emigrated from Mali 25 years ago complained of skin nodules in the periumbilical area which were present ‘intermittently’ for the past 5 years. Physical examination was positive for two 0.5cm diameter subcutaneous nodule. FBC indicated an eosinophilia and serology for anti-strongyloidiasis IgG was positive. The patient responded to treatment with ivermectin. Which pattern of cellular or tissue alteration is likely to be responsible for this?
Answer: Chronic inflammation
20-year-old woman, primigravida at 36 weeks of gestation, presents with some recent nausea, right upper quadrant pain and jaundice. Laboratory findings show ALT 665 U/L, AST 367 U/L, and total bilirubin 8 mg/dL. A liver ultrasound was ordered. Which pattern of cellular or tissue alteration in his liver is most likely to be present?
Answer: Microvesicular Steatosis
A 56-year-old woman complains of painless lump in her left breast of 10 days duration. She noticed it following a road traffic accident when the steering wheel hit her breast at the site of the lump. On examination, there is a hard lump deep to the nipple with an overlying bruise.
What is the possible diagnosis?
Answer: Fat Necrosis
A 65-year-old man suffered a massive myocardial infarction that was complicated by shock and prolonged hypotension. On arrival in the emergency department, he was found to have focal neurological signs in addition to features consistent with low-output cardiac failure. Despite the best efforts of the medical team, he died the next day. At autopsy, the most likely change you would expect to see in a brain biopsy would be:
Answer: Liquefactive Necrosis
Question 8
A 45-year-old woman with a chronic infective lesion on her leg underwent a full-thickness biopsy of the lesion. During histological examination of this lesion a rim of multinuclear giant cells is seen. The central region is most likely to show:
Answer: Caseous necrosis
25-year-old woman breastfed her first baby for almost 1 year with no difficulties and no
complications. Which of the following cellular processes that occurred in the breast during
pregnancy allowed her to nurse the infant for this period of time?
Lobular hyperplasia
An 80-year-old woman was found dead in her room in a nursing home one morning. An
autopsy was carried out and her death was reported as being secondary to old age. At
autopsy, her heart was small (250 g) and dark brown in colour on section. Microscopically,
there was light-brown perinuclear pigment seen after haematoxylin and eosin (H&E)
staining of the cardiac muscle fibres. Which of the following substances is most likely to be
increased in the myocardial fibres to produce this cardiac appearance?
Lipochrome, from ‘wear and tear (lipofuscin)
A histopathologist reviewing a slide noticed a disease process which has led to scattered
loss of individual cells, with the microscopic appearance of karyorrhexis and cell
fragmentation. The overall tissue structure, however, has remained intact. This process is
most typical of which of the following diseases?
A Barbiturate overdose
B Brown atrophy of the heart
C Chronic alcoholic liver disease
D Renal transplant rejection
E Viral hepatitis
A 21-year-old woman sustains a fractured left femur in a road traffic accident (RTA). She requires traction and is bed-bound for several weeks. On removal of the traction, the left leg is weak and the left quadriceps is visibly wasted.
A 40-year-old woman has a cervical biopsy following an abnormal cervical smear. The biopsy shows lack of maturation throughout the whole thickness of the epithelium.
Answer: Dysplasia
A 45-year-old man presents with ‘acid heartburn’. An endoscopy is performed at which the lower oesophageal mucosa appears red and velvety. A biopsy taken from this area shows glandular epithelium.
Answer: Metaplasia