Cell Parts and Functions Flashcards
Give the 8 characteristics of organisms
1) Made up of cells 2) Require energy 3) Reproduce 4) Maintain Homeostasis 5) Organize 6) Respond to the environment 7) Grow and develop 8) Exchange waste/water/air
States that some cells/organelles lives within another cell or organelles.
Endosymbiotic Theory
Who is the person behind endosymbiotic theory?
Lynn Margulis
True or False: Cells can only be observed using a microscope.
Arrange from smallest to biggest: Plant, Animal or Bacterial Cells
Bacterial Cell, Animal Cell, Plant Cell
Composed of only 1 cell.
Unicellular cells
Composed of many cells that can be organized as tissues, etc.
Multicellular cells
These are very small and performs various functions for cells. They are found in cytoplasm and may or may not be membrane bound.
Double layer of phospholipids and proteins. It controls what enters or leaves the cells and is also the living layer.
Cell or Plasma Membrane
What are the two parts of phospholipids?
Glycerol head and Tail
This part of phospholipids contains glycerol and proteins.
This part of phospholipids contains of fatty acids.
True or False: The phospholipid tails are hydrophilic
True or False: The cell membrane is fluid.
These proteins are attached on the surface.
Peripheral Proteins
These proteins are embedded completely through the membrane.
Integral Proteins
Lies immediately against the cell wall in plant cells/pushes out against the cell wall to maintain the cell shape.
Cell membrane
Made of cellulose in plants.
Plant cell wall
The bacterial cell wall is made up of ?
Fungi cell wall is made up of ?
It supports and protects the cells/found outside of the cell membrane.
Cell wall
Jelly like substance enclosed by cell membrane/contains organelles and is found in all cells,.
Semi fluid portion of the cytoplasm.
Called the control organelle/controls the normal activity of the cell/contains the dna in chromosomes/bounded by a nuclear envelope/usually the largest organelle.
How many chromosomes do we have?
Double membrane surrounding the nucleus/attached to the rough er.
Nuclear envelope
True or False: DNA is found inside the cells’ nucleus.
DNA spreads out and appears as what in non dividing cells?
DNA is wrapped around proteins forming as what in dividing cells ?
Is the hereditary material of a cell.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Makes ribosomes that make proteins. It disappears when the cell divides.
Helps cell maintain cell shape and also helps organelles move around.
Are thread like and made up of Actin
Are tube like and made up of Tubulin.
Found only in animal cells, made of bundles of microtubules, appear during cell division forming mitotic spindle, help to pull chromosomes apart.
The power house of the cell./ Surrounded by a double membrane. Has its own DNA.
Mitochondria has a folded inner membrane called?
What do you call the interior of mitochondria?
True or False: You inherit your mitochondria from your mother.,
Mitochondria appear in what shape?
Rod shaped
What do mitochondria do?
Burns glucose to release energy (ATP)
This is a network of hollow membrane tubules./ Connects the nuclear envelope and cell membrane./ Functions in synthesis of cell products and transport.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
What are the 2 kinds of Er?
Rough ER and Smooth ER
Has ribosomes on its surface. Makes membrane proteins and proteins for export out of the cell.
Rough ER
_____ lacks ribosomes on its surface. It is attached to the end of rough er and makes cell products that are used inside the cell.
Smooth ER
Makes membrane lipids. (steroids)/ Regulates calcium./ Destroys toxic substances.
Smooth ER
Includes nuclear membrane connected to ER connected to cell membrane (Transport)
Endomembrane system
These are made up of proteins and rRNA. The protein factory of the cell.
The process of amino acids to make proteins.
Protein Synthesis
Stacks of flattened sacs. It has a shipping side and a receiving side. It receives the proteins made by rough er. Has transport vesicles with modified protein pinch off the ends.
Golgi bodies/apparatus
It looks like stack of pancakes that modify, sort and package molecules from er for storage or transport out of the cells.
Golgi bodies/apparatus
Contains digestive enzymes, it break downs food, bacteria and worn out parts of the cells.
It is the death of a cell.
In lysosome digestion, cells take in food by what process?
True or False: Lysosome digests the foods and get rid of the wastes.
A small membrane bound vesicle containing enzymes that break down fatty acids, amino acids and h2o2.
Made of protein tubes called microtubules, functions in moving cell, moving fluid, or in small particles across the cell surface.
Cilia and Flagella
Cilia and Flagella are arranged by what kind of arrangement?
9 + 2 arrangement
These are shorter and more numerous in cells.
These are longer and fewer (usually 1-3) in cells.
Fluid filled sacs for storage./ Small or absent in the animal cells.
_____ have large central vacuole.
Plant cells
_____ has no vacuoles.
Animal cells
Is a fluid found in vacuoles.
Cell sap
Found in unicellular protists like paramecia. It regulates water intake by pumping out excess. Keeps the cell from bursting.
Contractile Vacuole
Found only in producers or organisms containing chlorophyll. It uses energy from sunlight to make food.
Energy from sun are stored in the ____
Chemical bonds of sugar
True or False: The chloroplast is surrounded by double membrane.
The outer membrane is ____
The inner membrane modified into sacs called ?
What do you call the thylakoids in stacks?
Gel like material surrounding the thylakoids.
True or False: The chloroplast has its own DNA.
What do you call the food making process?
True or False: Chloroplast is present in animal and bacterial cells.
Chloroplasts contain ____ and ____ for photosynthesis.
Enzymes and pigment