Cell Injury Lec 2 Flashcards
What are the agents and stimuli that can lead to cell injury?
- Hypoxia (low 02) and anoxia (no o2)
- Toxins
- Chemicals(cyanide, sodium chloride)
- Physical agents
- immune responses (nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide, kills tissues)
- infectious agents-bacteria , viruses
What are cellular elements that are vulnerable to cell injury effects:
- plasma membrane
- mitochondria
3.ionic channels in the cell mem - cytoskeleton
What are biochemical events that mediate cell injury:
- Low oxygen derived free radicals(o2-, H2o2, OH-)
- lead to increase in Ca+2 inside the cell
- increase in Ca+2 activates many enzymes: phospholipases(membrane-phospholipids)
-endonucleases(DNA) - ATPase activity increases(depletion of ATP)
What inactivates free radicals?
Vitamin: A,C,E
cysteine, glutathione, ceruloplasmin, and transferrin
Superoxide dismutase, catalse, glutathione peroxidase
What are reversible conditions?
Swelling of : cell, mitochondria, ER
-detachment of ribosomes from the ER
-loss of microvilli
surface blebs
clump of nuclear chromatin
lipid deposition
What are irreversible conditions:
- release of lysosomal enzymes
- protein digestion-plasma membrane and mitochondria membrane and disruption
- nuclear shrinkage, disintegration, and dissolution
Ca plays a central role in progression to irreversible cell death
What is pyknosis?
What is karyorrhexis:
parts of breakage outside cell
What is karyolysis?
small you cannot see, disappear
What is cell death?
necrosis: the morphological changes in tissues caused by cell death due to cell injury
dead cell not really necrotic
What are different patterns of necrosis:
- coagulative
3.caseous - fat necrosis
- gangrenous
coagulative necrosis?
intitial preservation of cellular outline and tissue architecture (loss of nuclie)
heart infraction, kidney infraction
Liqefactive necrosis:
transformation of solid tissue into fluid
powerful hydrlytic enzymes that disintegrate the cellular components and produce soup filled cyst
caseuous necrosis?
tissue resembles soft crumbly cheese
this is typical in TB and some fungal infections
fat necrosis?
breast tissues, pancreas
chalk white