Cell Cycle 3 Flashcards
What is condensin?
Dramatic compaction or chromosome condensation and resolution to create separate units is achieved by this
Condensins allow sister chromatids to separate during anaphase without breakage of sister chromatids
What are the 3 types of microtubules?
Kinetochore, interpolar and astral
Attach each chromosome to spindle pole
Hold two halves of spindle together
Interact with centrosomes (cell cortex)
With regards to mitotic spindles, they move to the center of the cell. They are minus end directed microtubule motors. They pull spindle poles away from each other.
Move to periphery of cells
They can walk towards plus ends of microtubules
Has 2 globular heads and elongated coil-coil tails
Plays important role in chromosome separation
two motor domains that interact with plus end of anti-parallel microtubules. The two anti-parallel microtubules past each other to force or push the spindle poles/centromeres apart. Without Kinesin -5, spindle collapses therefore it is a crucial element.
This is the opposite of what Kinesin-14 does.
Minus oriented directed motor with a single motor domain
Walks towards minus end to pull poles together
Opposite of Kinesin-5 which separates centrosomes.
Kinesin-5 and Kinesin-14 counteract each other but without Kinesin-5 what happens?
spindle collapse
think of letting go rope during tug of war
Aka Chromokinesins
These are plus directed motors
Movement is towards plus end
It pushes attached chromosomes away from the pole
Cell division control is controlled in 3 ways
Growth factors
Survival factors