Cell Adhesion 4 - Adhesion on behaviour Flashcards
What is compaction?
- hallmark event of 8 cell stage in mouse embryo developement
- when you can no longer see the intercellular boundaries as adhering junctions form
- E-cadherin is essential for formation of adhering here
- found mainly on basolateral cell-cell contact sites
Where is E-cadherin mainly found during compaction?
Basolateral cell-cell contact sites
Describe 2 experiments defining cadherin-mediated adhesion
- adhesion-blocking antibodies - exposure to anti-cadherin antibodies causes embryo to fall apart
- expression and deletion of cadherin - mutant embryos lacking E-cadherin fall apart
Explain loss and gain of function mutations
- if you remove what you think is causing the effect, does the effect still happen?
- when the feature is back does it function again?
name 3 different types of cadherins?
- E-cadherin
- R-cadherin
- Cadherin-6
Where is E-cadherin expressed in the embryo?
- mainly in epithelial cells
Where is R-cadherin and N-cadherin mainly expressed?
nerve, muscle and lens cells
Where is P-cadherin expressed in the embryo?
- placenta
- epidermis
Where is Cadherin-6 expressed?
What is homopihilic binding?
- 2 molecules that are identical on different cells bind
What is heterophilic binding?
two molecules that are different on different cells bind
Explain homophobic binding in cadherin
- happens at the N-terminus - furthest point from the membrane
- Ca2+ is required or hinge would be floppy
- Changes conformation of the N-terminus
Explain overall connections of cadherins
- individual interactions are relatively weak
- combination is strong
- important as cell-cell interactions commonly break and re-from during embryonic development
What allows cells to sort according to origin
- homophilic binding - cadherins bind well to the same type of cells
- suggests that tissues are maintained by differential affinities of cells for each other
What causes tissue maintenance
- cadherins bind well to the same type of cell
- cells have differential affinities for each other
What is an L-cell?
cells in the GI tracts that secreted hormones regulating appetite