CDMs and CERs Flashcards
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Annex 1 party/parties undertakes building projects in Non-Annex 1 countries to obtain certified emissions reduction CERs (credits).- related to Kyoto
- must be additional to what would have already occurred.
- is an “offset” market
“Offset” Market
How you offset your own emissions without reducing within your own territory.
CDM- Money Creation
Annex 1 countries are essentially creating money. Developed country is transferring CERs (credits) from a country without commitments to those with.
- Many like that CERs are not received until project successfully produces.
- However, administrative and overhead costs are more expensive than CERs received.
CDM- Design Issues
- Concern- deforestation projects shift WHERE people engage in deforestation but does not prevent it.
* Initially limited to afforestation and reforestation and amount that that it could be used was capped - Concern- Countries would focus on low-hanging fruit because easy to deal with but you get a lot of credits.
Approved CDM Methodologies
228 active approved methodologies
-examples- Re/Afforestation of degraded mangroves, mass transit, biodiesel production, etc.
Registration numbers of CDM projects
7703 registered projects
- 2891 have so far issued CERs
- 248 programmes of activities (PoAs)
Programmes of Activities (PoAs)
- Replicable projects, with low and physically spread GHG emission reductions
- Generally energy efficient/fuel switching
CDM Project Distribution
- China and India= roughly 80% of projects
- Only 3% in Africa (4% of CERs)- South Africa, Maghreb States (Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania), Egypt
- Tendency to purchase reductions without becoming equity partner (companies participating but not investing in the project itself)