Aviation fall 2016 Flashcards
Aviation Policy Options
- Carbon Accounting
- Emissions limits/low carbon fuel standard
- Require Fuel Switching
- Efficiency Standards
- Mandatory Offsetting
- Emissions Trading
- Improved Flight Management/Air Traffic Control
Kyoto Deference to ICAO and IMO
Parties of Annex 1 shall pursue limitation or reduction of emissions of GHGs not controlled by Montreal
Common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR)
UNFCCC draws distinction between differential obligations in developed and developing states while International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) do not
How might you structure Aviation reductions in a framework convention?
- One solution would be to count where fuel sold, but- in some States (Netherlands, Malta, Singapore), fuel is large part of economy.
- Concern that fuel sales would shift to unregulated states (leakage)
Why did EU want to regulate international flights?
- Competitiveness- otherwise disadvantages EU airlines
- Leakage
EU ETS Aircraft Coverage
Included- large passenger carriers such as Delta, major express cargo carriers such as FedEx and UPS
Exemptions- ‘De minimis’ operator emitters, military aircraft, search and rescue, state flights of high government officials.
Aviation Allowances in EU ETS
- Cap- for 2012, capped at 97% of average emission for years 2004-06, 2013-2016, capped at 95%
- Allowances- 82% of historic emissions are free, 3% into a reserve for new entrants, 15% auctioned.
- Favors airlines that have higher capacity, more efficient, and long haul
Price Effect of EU ETS
Assuming allowance prices of 10 euros/metric ton, cost of New York to London about $5, but since large % of free allowances, costs could be less. Would depend on whether airlines pass on value of allowances to passengers.
Equity Issues (of original proposal) of EU ETS
- What if a non-EU state adopts a comparable measure?
- How to handle revenues and airlines from developing countries?
Why did other States object to EU legislation?
- EU gets all of the revenue and gets to decide how to spend it.
- Requires allowances for portions of flights outside of EU airspace
Initial Aviation Policy Development
- Kyoto Protocol- countries should work through ICAO
- Historically, ICAO ruled out global trading- encouraged states to include in domestic regimes
- Due to lack of progress in ICAO, EU passed legislation in 2009 to add aviation