CDM Flashcards
What are the three parts of EBD
Best evidence, clinical judgement and patient circumstances
What is confirmation bias
people tend to believe what they hear from new or friends without looking farterh
What is prevalence
What is the frequency
What is risk
What causes the problem
What is diagnosis
Does the person have it
What is therapy
What is the best treatment
What is prognosis
Who will get the problem
What is phenomena
What are the concerns
Why use Pubmeb
It is free
It has articles that MEDLINE doesnt have
Uses MeSH terms
What are MeSH terms
Medical subject heading
Specific terms
filters articles
Why use clincial queries
Search tools and
sorts things into
clinical categories
systemci review
medical gneetics
What does clinical queries allow you to search based on
clinical predictions
Do you start with advanced or clinical queries
clinical queries
What does AND do in a search
requires both terms to be searched
What does OR do in a search
Either term or both can be in the document
What does NOT do in a search
It subtracted the term from the results
Whawt is the highest levels of evidence
Meta analysis
What Q: Which is more effective at reduces caries: flouride or sealants?
What Q: Which is more accurate for identifying caries: radiographs or diagnodent
What does PICO stand for
When searching using PICO what order do you search in
What PICO terms are the most necessary
What can you do to prevent cognitive bias
always question assumtion
keep an open mind
always question evidence
What is logical fallacy
an error in logical argumentation
What is cognitive bias
a genuine deficiency or limitation in our thinking
Bandwagon effect?
tendency to do things because many others do the same
Confirmation bias?
looking for and valuing info that confirms what we believe
Gamblers fallacy
putting a tremendou amout of weight on previous events
Interview bias
distortion of response to an interview which results from differential reactions to the style and personality of the interview to their presention of questions
Normalcy bias
the refusal to plan for or act on a disaster which has never happened before
Measurment bias
systematically overstating or understanting the true value of a measurement
Negativity bias
paying more attention to negative news
Observation selection bias
suddenly noticing things that you did not notice before and wrongly assuming the frequency has increased
Performance bias
When one group of subjects gets more attention thatn another group
Positive expectation bias
a sense that our luck has to eventually change
Publication bias
when the otucome of a study influences the decsions whether to publush it
Question order
inadvertently influencing response due to the order question are asked
recall bias
participants to not remember previous events accuratly
Respondent fatigue bias
a phenomenon that occurs when survey participants become tired which results in the quality data
Response bias
tendency for participants to answer question untruthfully
Sampling/ selection bias
sample obtained is not reflective of the target population
Sponsor bias
study outcome that supports the interest study financial sponsor
Status quo bias
making choises that guarantee things remain the same
verification bias
outcomes more likely to be found in treatment group then control group
What is the purpsose of EBDM
close gap between research and practive
What is the optional component of PICO
The purpope of definign PICO question is to
identify a clearly focused question
consider what the client believes is important
provide key search terms
determine the type of evidence is required
Identify the P and I:
Mrs. Sanchez is a 58-year-old women who is concerned about getting root surface cavities due to her receding gums. Her children receive fluoride treatments to prevent cavities on their teeth and asks you if she should be getting professionally applied fluoride treatments. Having recently read an article on chlorhexidine varnish (CHx-V) for the prevention of root caries you want to reread it to see if a CHx-V or Fluoride Varnish, which you normally provide, will be more effective.
P: root caries
I: Chlorhexidine varnish
Identify P:
Kevin is a 26-year-old man who talks to you about e-cigarettes and wants to know if they can help him permanently stop smoking. He has smoked since he was 16 and has never tried to quit before, but recently he has noticed his gums are bleeding and thinks it is due to his smoking. He also asks if e-cigarettes are better than nicotine gum.
P: permanently stop smoking
What is research
results from an individal study
What is evidence
cumulative results across studies
What is validity
the deggre which a method provides accurate investigation of event in question
Internal validity threats are
Selection bias
What is External validity
ability to generate finding beyond the subject in study
Chronology bias
historic controls subject to change in practive
recall bias
skewed recollection of events
Quantitiatve inquire is
Only measurements are REAL
often numeric
Qualitative inquiry is
based on hemeneutics
measures subjective and dependent upon perceptual bias
What is a systemic review
refers to the netire process of selcing evalutaing evidence
What is meta analysis
combing data from a systemic review
Randomzed controll trial
whena trial subjects are randomly assigned a group
Cohort study
Samples cohort that looks prospectivly
Case control study
compares patietns who have a disease with patients who doent have a disease and look retrospectivly
Cross sectional study
measure the otucome and exposure in study participants at the same time
Case reports
detailed report of treament etc
What are examples of variables
Socioeconomic status
What is confounding varibale
Null hypothesis is?
prediction that observed differences is due to change and not due to systmetic causes
Alt hypothesis is?
prediction that some observed difference is due to some knowable cause
p<.05 means
5% chance observed difference was due to chance
95% confident that resutls was due to IV
.01% chance observed difference was due to chance
99.9% confidenct that results was due to IV
What is nominal and ex
category without rank
gender, hair color
What is ordinal and ex
label with some meaningful order
class rank, socioeconmic status, level of agreement
What is interval and ex
scaled measure with arbitrary zero
temp, IQ, SAT
What is ratio and ex
scaled measure with absolute zero
weight, income, years of education
What is effect size
statistical significance (p value) indicates difference between two groups
What can effect size measure
standard measure
calculated from various statistical outputs
What is relative risk
measure risk based on comparison of disease between two groups
exposed vs nonexposed
What is odds ration
estimate of association
comparting the odds of an event in one group wo the odds of an event in some comparsion group
Is RR or OR easier to inteprent
What limits RR calculation
Case control designs because cases are selected on disease rather than exposure
What is sensitivity
proportion of patients with the disease who test positive
What is specificity
the proportion of patients withouth the disease who test negative
What is confidence interval
normal distribtion
tells you the range of unknown population rang
The three things of a conficdnce rank
What does a randomized control trial contain
one varied condition
concurrent enrollment
random assignments
follow uo
What is a research question
indicates an exploratory investigation without any real questions
A hypothesis
will use the word hypothesis
What test does nominal use
chi square, mcnemear
What test does ordinal use
mann whitner, wilcoxon
What test does interval and ratio
T test and ANOVA