CD Prescriptions Flashcards
What are the legal requirements of CD prescriptions?
for Schedule 2 and 3 CDs
signature of the prescriber - indelible ink date - must be within 28 days of the appropriate date prescriber address - must be within the UK name of CD formulation of CD strength of CD dose of CD - must be clearly defined total quantity of CD - in both words and figures quantity prescribed - cannot exceed 30 day supply patient name patient address date of birth/age - if under 12 years old
dental prescription
- for dental treatment only
What is required for instalment prescribing?
instalment direction
- amount to be dispensed at each instalment
= dose and dispense amount
- interval between each instalment
must mark the prescription with the date of each supply
Are CD prescriptions repeatable?
are not repeatable for Schedule 2 and 3 CDs
- must be given as instalment prescription
are repeatable for Schedule 4 (4.1/4.2) and 5 CDs
What are technical errors that pharmacists can/cannot amend on CD prescriptions?
can amend
- minor typographical
- spelling mistakes
- total quantity = only if total words OR figures are missing not both
cannot amend
- missing date
- missing form
- missing strength
- incorrect dose
- total quantity missing in both words and figures
What must be done when a pharmacist makes a technical amendment?
must make a note in the endorsement section with
- name, date, signature, GPhC registration number
What are the different types of CD prescriptions?
- FP10SS
What are FP10MDA prescriptions used for? What is prescribed on a FP10MDA? What is the maximum duration of treatment?
treatment of addiction
can only be given for Schedule 2 CDs and buprenorphine and diazepam
- methadone = Schedule 2
- buprenorphine = exemption
- diazepam = exemption
maximum treatment is 14 consecutive days
- must be dispensed dispensed with 28 days of the appropriate date
What should done if doses are missed on a FP10MDA and why?
if more than 3 days of prescribed treatment have been missed then there is a risk of losing tolerance to the drug and it may cause an overdose
- must contact the prescriber
must supervise consumption on collection days
What are requirements for prescribing Schedule 2 and 3 CDs?
must follow the mandatory prescription requirements whether they are NHS or private prescriptions
must be on a standardised form if private
must include the prescribers identification number
must submit the original private prescription the the relevant NHS agency
- NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)
Who can collect dispensed CDs?
patient représentative or healthcare professional
- must have ID
- must have a letter of authorisation for each collection
= must a make a record of who collects it
What are Safe Custody Regulations?
refer to the physical security of certain Schedule 2 or 3 CDs
- requires that pharmacies, private hospitals and care homes keep relevant CDs in
= a ‘locked safe, cabinet or room which is constructed as to prevent unauthorised access to the drugs’
specifications of the safe/cabintet/room must meet Safe Custody Regulations
What CDs must be kept in safe custody?
all Schedule 1 CDs all Schedule 2 CDs most Schedule 3 CDs - buprenorphine - temazepam
access to CDs must be documented
- who has access?
- each time they are accessed
What are exemptions to the safe custody regulations?
some Schedule 2 CDs
- some liquid preparations and quinalbarbitone (secobarbitone)
some Schedule 3 CDs
- gabapentin
- mazindol
- meprobamate
- midazolam
- pentazocine
- phentermine
- phentermine
- phenobarbital
- pregabalin
- tramadol
What safe custody regulations in regards to patient returned or out of date/obsolete CDs?
safe custody applies until they can be destroyed
to minimise risk to patients
- stock should be clearly segregated from other pharmacy stock
- stock should be clearly marked
Which CDs must be recorded in the CD register? How should they be entered? How long should they be kept for?
any schedule 1 or 2 CD
- received or supplied
sativex = schedule 4.1 (CD Benz POM)
must be entered
- chronologically, promptly, in indelible ink, unaltered
= corrections should be made in the margin and marked with the date, name, correction, GPhC registration number and signature
records must be kept 2 years from the date of supply
Why must balances and stock checks be run?
ensure irregularities and discrepancies are identified as quickly as possible
can be affected by spillages, overages or residues (liquid preparations)
can be affected by the drug not being reordered, destruction of the drug or discontinuation of the drug