CCT5 2016 Flashcards
Name Coaching Do’s
Suggest, Listen and Consider, Admit when you don’t know something, Evaluate actions, Insist on critiquing process steps, Be clear and specific, Reward good behavior, Use Start/ Stop/ Continue method
Name Coaching Don’t
Reprimand, Belittle or exclude, Cut off and ignore, Evaluate people, Assume the process steps were followed, Make assumptions
Steps to Coaching
Give brief instructions (Normally less than 10 minutes).
Break complicated tasks into small learning steps.
Have them practice, coaching until they can do it on their own.
Provide feedback and support.
Why to give feedback
Feedback provides the concrete data needed to take corrective action(s) and to improve performance.
While most of us think of feedback as “negative”, positive feedback is necessary when you observe a behavior that you want to reinforce.
Don’t give feedback when?
You don’t care about the circumstances of the behavior.
You don’t care about the person.
You will not be around long enough to follow up on the aftermath of your feedback.
The feedback is about something the person has no power to change.
Your motive is not really improvement but rather to put someone on the spot, or to demonstrate how much smarter you are.
The time, place, or circumstances are inappropriate.
The Learning Cycle
Reluctant Learner, Disillusioned Beginner, Avid Beginner, Expert
Avid Beginner
Learners are Enthusiastic to learn a new skill and may be somewhat apprehensive because they are about to enter a change process. They need clear instructions and lots of feedback because the task is new, and just a little bit of support to calm the stress of change.
Reluctant Learner
Learner have become capable in performing their new skill. The amount of positive feedback stays high to help build confidence.
Disillusioned Beginner
Learners have reached failure a few times in the process, which means emotional must increase to keep their confidence high.
Little direction and little support are required. They begin to take ownership of their new tasks and responsibilities.
List the benefits of the CT Champion program to the Student
Provides the opportunity to learn about the profession, Provides valuable input about personal strengths and weaknesses.
List the benefits of the CT Champion program to the Champion
Increases loyalty and productivity of champion’s employees, Creates a sense of team within a work group.
List the benefits of the CT Champion program of Comcast
Reduced turnover, Increased employee productivity.
On-The-Job-Training is
Learning opportunity that requires the Student, not the Champion, to be primarily responsible to completing the work order, The Champion will be assisting the technician complete his/her work
Shadowing is
Learning opportunity that allows the Champion to be primarily responsible for completing the work order, The Student will be assisting the Champion complete his/her work.
Cross-Training is
Learning opportunity in which the Student trains with a Student who works with technologies that the Student would not otherwise be responsible.
Coaching is
Learning Opportunity that occurs throughout a day of ride-outs that addresses any aspect of the Student’s spirit, ability or career development needs.
Service Order Agreement is
Also called a business contract, a service order agreement outlines the services provided by a service provider. Service order agreements typically include special instructions, contact information and a monthly rate with charges for ancillary services.
Advantages of a Contract is
It protects Comcast Legally, The customer understands what they are getting, there are no questions about what the terms or service means, the cost and services are agreed upon.
Disadvantages of a Contract is
Obligates the Customer and Comcast, If prices increases Comcast may not be able to charge more, Discourages flexibility in changes, May not be fully understood by the customer and can cause future problems
Terms and Policies
Business Class Terms and Conditions, Business Class Internet Acceptable Use Policy, Comcast Customer Privacy Notice
DEFINE Business Class Terms And Conditions
The Business Class Terms and Conditions is a very thorough document, detailing what Comcast provides, what Comcast does not provide, and what is expected of the customer.
DEFINE Business Class Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Comcast outlines the acceptable and non-acceptable uses of our Internet services. This applies to surfing the Internet as well as e-mail and web hosting.
DEFINE Comcast Customer Privacy Notice
This document describes Comcast’s information practices, including how personal information is collected, disclosed, and protected.
Non-Serviceable means
there is no way we can get service into the customer’s location.
Construction Required means
our network is close to the customer’s location, but physical construction must happen in order to extend it to the location (running line underground) or inside of the Location (drilling through a wall).
The National Electrical Code (NEC), or NFPA 70, is
a standard for the safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment. It is a part of the National Fire Codes series published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The NEC codifies the requirements for safe electrical installations into a single, standardized source.
CATVP (Plenum):
Plenum Cable shall be used in ducts, plenums and other spaces used for air
CATVR (Riser):
Riser cable shall be used in vertical shafts and from floor to floor in multistory buildings
CATV (V-Rated):
CATV cable shall be suitable for general purpose use, Exception of plenums and risers
CATVX (X-Rated):
Cable can only be used in residential buildings, not business buildings.
BGP Routing Protocol:
Supports multi-homing with load balancing for faster, more efficient routing between networks.