CBT Flashcards
Why is CBT an option for treating SZ
Based around the assumption that SZs have irrational and unrealistic thought processes
Aim: help patients identify irrational/delusional thoughts change them into more rational ones via disputing (making them less threatening)
Person must identify irrational thoughts E.g a paranoid delusions aliens were trying to abduct them
Cognitive strategy - challenge thoughts via disputing
Psychiatrist challenges patients irrational thoughts
To find plausible or less threatning explanation
May be done through empirical disputing
So patient must provide evidence of hallucination or delusions
How does disputing help ?
Therapist explains it’s just a symptoms of their sz
Offering plausible explanations for these symptoms can reduce anxiety or distress
Patients may realise their beliefs e.g delusions are not based in reality and that their thoughts are less threatening
Behavioural strategy - distraction techniques
Patient could use self distraction strategies
E.g listening to music to drown out voices when they occur
CBT Ao3 limitation
Requires motivation and commitment. From patients
Individuals suffering from negative symptoms of sz such avolition lack
CBT requires patient to engage with therapy positive symptoms of sz (delusions) may have lack of awareness or innacurate perception of reality
Thus in some cases CBT may only be effective when combined with ap
Because drugs help the patient to motivate themselves to attend sessions/ increase patients awareness
Thus CBT alone may not be effective treatment for all cases of sz
CBT Ao3 strength
Avoids chemical dependence
CBT encourages to identify and challenge irrational/ delusional thoughts independently
Giving them control over own behaviour
Unlike drug therapy which impose chemical straitjacket as drug controls activity of nuerotransmitter in brain such as dophamine
Due to this some may prefer CBT
And some researchers argue learning skills of challenging sz symptom may be a more appropriate long-term treatment for sz
CBT Ao3 limitation
Art therapy an alternate treatment
Allows patients to interpret emotions and feelings and express them without necessarily using words
Acts as a healthy form of distraction from symptoms such as hearing voices or disturbing thoughts
Which may lead to less anxiety rather than challenging thoughts as they would in CBT
Thus art therapy may be more appropriate treatment than CBT for sz
For individuals who have difficulty expressing thoughts due to negative symptoms